Chapter Five

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Sans jumped about two feet when the front door slammed open, shaking him quickly from his sleep. He hadn't realised it but he had fallen asleep on the couch, and his wings ached from being slept on wrong. After a second his vision cleared enough to see what had caused the noise.

There, framed in the doorway, was a bruised and battered frisk, panting and dripping with sweat. There were tear streaks running down their face.

"Kid? Wha-" Sans was cut off when Frisk ran up to him and buried their face into his chest, sobbing.

Sans rubbed their back in an attempt to calm them down.

"You're okay. Calm down. Calm down. You're okay." He coaxed, their sobs echoing through the quiet house. He just hoped they wouldn't wake up Papyrus.

Sans wrapped his wings around her sobbing form like a blanket, hoping to calm her down. After a minute, her sobs died down, and she looked up at him with tired eyes.

"You gonna tell me why you look like you had a fight with a tree?" Sans asked, picking some twigs out of her tangled hair.

Frisk slowly raised their shaking hands and began to sign messily.

"Flowey. Men. Attacked. Flowey saved. Ran." She signed, stumbling over several of her words as her tired hands worked to form the symbols.

Sans sighed, grabbing their shaky arm and stopping their signing.

"Calm down kiddo. You aren't helping anything by being in the state you're in. Come on, let's get you cleaned up." Sans said, picking Frisk up.

Frisk didn't object, curling up in his hold. Sans took them into the nearby bathroom and began to brush the twigs out of their hair, being careful to avoid the scratches that marred her skin. After a while, Frisks shaking had calmed down a fair amount. He grabbed them by their waist and turned them around so they were looking at him.

"Kiddo, what happened?" He asked.

Frisk raised their hands, not trusting their voice to say the words.

"The men. They attacked us. Me and Flowey. Flowey fended them off while I got out of their." Frisk signed.

"What men?"

"The same" They signed slowly, hurt on their features.

Anger flashed through Sans eyes. It was one thing if they hurt him. It was another if they thought they could touch his family.

"Did they hurt you?" He asked her, his voice a little shaky.

Frisk shook their head.

"Then how'd." Sans finished his sentence by gesturing to her face.

"Trees." She answered sheepishly.

Sans sighed. Good. He didn't want anyone to be hurt because of him.


"Sans?" Frisk asked, knocking him out of his thoughts.

"Is Flowey going to be all right?"

"Come on kid. You look exhausted. I'll call up Tori and tell her what's happened." Sans said, not answering her question as he stood up.

Frisk was about to object, but a big yawn interrupted her. Chuckling, Sans grabbed her hand and led her into the living room where he sat her on the couch. He grabbed a cover and draped it over her small frame. She fell asleep almost as soon as she had hit the pillow.

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