Chapter Three

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Frisk poked her head into the quiet house. They smiled. It seemed that the brothers had gone to sleep. Perfect! Turning around, they motioned for Undyne to come in.

Undyne entered the small house, dragging something behind her.

"Are you sure this is what you guys do?" Undyne asked.

"Yes!" Frisk answered for what felt like the 400th time that night.

"Okay then. I just don't understand what you need a tree for." She grumbled, dragging the small tree into the house.

"It's tradition!" Frisk grumbled as they moved out of Undyne's way so she could set up the tree.

"Whatever you say." Undyne said, rolling her eyes as she dropped the trunk of the tree into the base.

The group of monsters had been out all day preparing a surprise for the two brothers. They had gotten everything they needed. They got a tree, ornaments, decorations, and a single string of lights which they had set up outside.

Most importantly, Frisk had picked up something for Sans. She had overheard him complaining about a part for one of his machines. So Frisk had used their connections as the ambassador to get it for him. She thought it would cheer him up a bit.

So now the part lay underneath the newly set up tree, wrapped up in nice wrapping. Frisk smiled as MTT came into the room carrying a box of ornaments (Mostly pink.) They were smiling brightly, obviously excited that their plan had succeeded.

"Oh darling! It looks lovely!" Metta said, gesturing to the tree.

"Glad you like it." Frisk said, giggling a bit at the robots bubbly persona.

"Like it? I love it! And it will be so much better when we get these on it!" Metta said, setting the box of ornaments down beside Frisks feet.

"What are we waiting for! Let's trim this tree!" Metta said, pumping their fist in the air.

"MTT be quiet! You don't want to wake tham and ruin the surprise do you?" Undyne snapped from where she was setting up the tree.

"Yeah yeah." The robot muttered, rolling their eyes as they plucked an ornament out of the box and handed it to Frisk who was trying to stifle their giggles.

Frisk eagerly took the ornament and bounded up to the tree, placing it on one of the branches. They did this a few times and the bottom half of the tree quickly filled up with ornaments. Frisk fingered the ornament they had in their hand as they stared up at the bare branches at the top of the tree. They would have to jump if they wanted to reach one.

Frisk was about to ask for help but stopped themselves. She could do it on her own! With a determined expression on her face, Frisk crouched down and jumped upwards into the air...

And missed. The ornament flew out of her hands when she jumped. Frisk squeezed their eyes shut and waited for the telltale noise of shattered glass... but nothing happened. Frisk dared to open her eyes a crack and gasped.

The ornament was being held suspended in the air, a faint white glow surrounding it. Turning around, they saw all the ornaments in the box being held in a similar matter. In the blink of an eye the ornaments zipped past her, flying towards the tree, where they set themselves down of the higher branches of the tree, the soft white light filling the room.

Soon enough the entire tree had been filled with the ornaments, all except for one. Curious, Frisk poked the ornament that was still hovering in the air, and jumped back when it reacted, flying forwards and hanging itself on her nose. Frisk let out a squeal of surprise, and a chuckle was heard from the catwalk. Looking up, Frisk saw the perpetrator.

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