Chapter Seven

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Flowey slumped over in his pot, chlorophyll and blood dripping down his face, though he still smiled, even though he was already beginning to fade into unconsciousness.

"I t-told you. You wouldn't get a w-word out of me..." He said, smiling before fading into unconsciousness.

The man cursed, punching a nearby wall in frustration. He had done everything he could think of, yet the flower still refused to talk. It was infuriating him.The flower was bleeding from multiple cuts on his stem and leaves, one of his petals missing, his right eye now completely closed. It was probably blinded.

Yet he didn't say anything. Nothing they had done was getting through his defenses... Though maybe....Just maybe.... What if he used something different, something... A lot more fun.

The man smiled to himself, motioning to the guards.

"Take the flower away and stick him in a cage somewhere, but make sure he has water... We wouldn't want him to die before we can have our fun." He said.

His men nodded, doing as they were told, exiting the room and leaving their boss to himself. The man smiled, turning back to the monitors, an idea blossoming in his head.


Frisk rubbed their eyes, yawning and stretching their aching joints. It took her a minute, but eventually something hit her.

"Flowey!" She exclaimed, bolting upright, though she immediately regret that decision.

She ached all over, almost every muscle in her body crying out in alarm at the sudden movement, her throat aching from the sudden exclamation. She looked down at herself and noticed that she was all bandaged up, everyone of her scratches expertly healed and bandaged. That could only mean one thing....

"My child?" A voice said, entering the room.

Toriel smiled warmly, seeing that Frisk was awake. She walked over, sitting next to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't you ever do that again." She said firmly.

Frisk looked down at the floor and hung her head, ashamed for her actions. Toriel chuckled a bit, raising her chin so she met her gaze.

"Hey, its alright. The important thing is that you're okay now." She said softly.

Toriel had of course been extremely mad and disappointed in Frisk when she first heard of it, but now that she had had time to think about it, she knew that she should forgive her. After all, she was just trying to help someone in need. Frisk looked up at her, and after a minute or so, her frown gave way to a happy grin, hugging Toriel tightly.

Toriel returned the hug, rubbing Frisks back. She was indeed very happy to have her back. It had been heck those few hours when she didn't know where she was...

"Mom?" Frisk asked softly, breaking from the hug.

"Yes my child?"

"Is Flowey going to be alright?" She asked again.

An awkward silence ensued between the two, Toriel grasping for something, ANYTHING to say.

"I-Its alright mom.. I k-know he'll be o-okay." Frisk signed, her throat not wanting to take the strain anymore, her hands shaking so much that she couldn't properly form the words.

Toriel smiled, pulling her back into a firm but loving embrace.

"I do to." She said.


The man turned to one of his soldiers from where he stood observing the scene on his monitor.

"Get the troops ready. Prepare for operation B-T." He ordered.

The soldier saluted, scrambling off to do as he was told. The man turned back to the familiar monitors, a smile playing at his lips. So they couldn't have the skeleton? Pity. He would've been the easiest to kill. Oh well. If they couldn't have him, then they would go for the next best thing....


Toriel poked her head out from the kitchen, smiling at Frisk who was drawing in the living room.

"My child? The pie is ready." She called.

Frisk immediately looked up, smiling at her. Standing up, she bounded over to the kitchen, Sitting at the dining table as Toriel brought out her famous butterscotch pie. She carefully cut a fair portion from it and set it on a plate, handing it to Frisk before cutting a small portion for herself.

"Be careful my child. It is very hot." Toriel warned as Frisk reached for her fork.

Frisk nodded, blowing on the pie for a bit before sticking a piece of it in her mouth, smiling as the taste of it entered her mouth. She knew that as long as she lived, she would never find anything that tasted better than Toriels butterscotch pie.

"How has school been for you lately?" Toriel asked, trying to spark some light conversation.

Frisk shrugged. It was winter break currently, though the region they lived in only got a week or so of when it was cold enough to freeze over ponds and the like. She hadn't really thought of school for awhile.

"Okay I guess. Sometimes the other kids bug me about you guys, but nothing else really." Frisk signed.

"What do you mean 'bug you'?" Toriel asked, getting a bit worried.

"It's nothing. They just tease me sometimes about living with monsters, but I don't mind. Really." Frisk signed quickly.

Toriel frowned.

"Don't worry! I'm fine. I promise!" Frisk signed once, more, smiling to show that she was okay.

Toriel signed.

"Fine, but if they tease you again, I want to hear about it!" Toriel said.

"I will tell yo-" Frisk signing was interrupted by a knocking on the back door.

"Thats odd...." She mumbled quietly. "Frisk can you go get my book on snails from my room?"

Frisk nodded, slipping away from the table and taking the stairs. Toriel watched her until she was out of sight before turning to the door and opening it.

She tried to slam the door shut but the soldier stopped her, throwing open the door. He shot his gun before she could react, hitting her in the neck with something. She tried to summon her fire, but found she couldn't as everything around her started to become blurry and hazy. The last thing she saw was Frisk frightened face looking at her from the banister before she gave into the blackness.


"MOM!" Frisk shouted in alarm when her mother fell unconscious.

The soldiers looked up at her, noticing her for the first time and aimed their weapons at her. It was a good thing she was good at dodging. She dodged the darts, bolting down the hallway. She took the first door that was open, dropping the snail book she hadn't realised she'd been holding.

She ducked into the room, realising quickly that it was Toriels. She searched around quickly for somewhere to hide, the Soldiers heavy footsteps echoing through the house as they climbed up the stairs. Quickly, she dived under the bed, getting as many things as she could infront of her so she would be better hidden. Cowering down, she got as close as she could to the carpet, hiding behind the boxes, holding her breath.

One of the soldiers entered the hallway, noticing the discarded book in front of the door. He bent down and picked it up, turning to the room. Frisk could see his boots from underneath the bed as he walked into the room. She felt certain that he would hear her beating heart. It was drumming in her ears, drowning out any other sound.

Her heart almost gave out when the and stopped in front of the bed, preparing to look under it...

"Come on! It's almost rush hour. We need to get out of here before we might get caught!" A man shouted from the hallway.

"Coming." The soldier said, exiting the room, his footsteps echoing down the house, until all was quiet.

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