Chapter Four

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"SANS! WHERE DID YOU GO?" Papyrus shouted, his shout reverberating through the quiet house.

No answer.

Where could his brother have gone this time? Sighing, Papyrus checked his room one more time. Nothing. Papyrus thought for a moment.



His lab. Papyrus felt stupid for not checking their first. His brother was usually there working on something that he couldn't comprehend. He usually didn't try.

Walking through their living room, He went out the side door and around to the back of the house. There was a gray door that led to Sans workspace. Papyrus knocked on it.

"Come in. It's unlocked." His brother called from inside, his voice muffled.

Papyrus turned the doorknob and walked in. The lab was a small room with greyish tiles covering most of the surfaces. There were all manner of strange machines, most of them half finished, scattered throughout the space. In the corner was a small Desk, and a filing cabinet that looked like it was about ready to explode.

For a second, Papyrus couldn't see his brother, but then he poked his head out from under one of the machines, oil covering his bones.

"Hey bro. Whattcha doing?" Sans asked, Pushing out from under the machine and grabbing a cloth to wipe the oil off of his face.

"I just wondered where you went. What are you working on?" Papyrus asked.


"That's not very descriptive." Papyrus said, rolling his eyes.

"Well it's just something I've been fiddling with. It probably won't work." Sans said.

"Okaaay then. Um, Sans?"


"Why is there a tree in our living room?" Papyrus asked, confused.

Sans looked at his brother for a second before breaking out into laughter.

"Pfft! Oh gosh Paps..." Sans said after a minute.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. It's nothing. Uh, ever heard of Christmas?" Sans asked, still chuckling a bit.

"Isn't that the thing about the baby?"

"Yeah. Well there's a tradition that the humans have where they put a tree up and hang decorations on it and put gifts under it that they open on... Well Christmas. I believe that they were trying to surprise us with it. Kinda like the tree in the square back in Snowdin?" Sans explained.

"Oh. Well then. Human traditions confuse me..." Papyrus said, rubbing his temple.

"You and me both. I guess Frisk thought it'd be fun. Might as well go with it." Sans said, shrugging, his wings twitching idly.

"Well if it'll make them happy, then I'm willing!" Papyrus announced, pumping his fist into the air.

Sans rolled his eyes at his brother's antics. He had a bit of an idea.

"Well then. They should call you vertebro..."

"Oh gosh please don't."

"Because you always have my back."

"SAAAAAAAAAAANS!" Papyrus whined.



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