Chapter Nine

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 He stood unmoving as the patrol passed below him, his wings twitching slightly, though he was otherwise unseeable. He had begun to run into more and more patrols the further along he got. He guessed that he was getting closer. He was also on high alert for any security cameras, already having to move 5 of them so they wouldn't detect him.

After a minute, the patrol of around 5 men passed, continuing in the direction which he had come from. It made him wonder... How many people were there in the compound? He was beginning to think that this was a bit too easy. By rough calculations he had passed 20 patrols of around 5-10. That was already 100 men, and they were only the patrol.

He shivered, choosing to avoid thinking about that, and just focus on what he had to do. This had to stop now.

With his slow pace, it took him a few hours before he was able to see any buildings. The first building to come into view was a small storage shed. Scattered around it where several small encampments, presumably for the soldiers who he had come across on their patrols. He glanced up at the sun.

It was around Noon. It was too risky too try and get in now. His black wings would stand out like a sore thumb. He would need to wait till night. He turned around, taking one look back at the compound before disappearing deeper into the woods.


Papyrus trudged through the ever darkening woods, his boots sloshing in the mud. It had started raining some time after high noon, and Papyrus had gotten absolutely soaked, but he didn't care. He needed to find his brother before he got himself killed.

He swore that when he found him he would give him a piece of his mind, getting him all worried! He wrapped his arms around himself, trying to retain whatever body warmth he had left. He didn't feel the cold nearly as much as other monsters, but he could still feel it, and right now, being soaked down to the bone as he was, he was shivering like crazy, his bones rattling could probably be heard for miles.

He didn't care though. He just needed to find his brother. That's all that mattered right now. He trudged onwards through the wet undergrowth, determination flashing through his eyes, giving him new strength to carry on.

After a few minutes, he thought he had caught a glimpse of something. He shrugged, figuring it a trick of the light, or lack thereof. He continued forward, but stopped when he was certain he had seen it again. Squinting, he peered into the darkened forest around him, picking something apart from the blackness. Two small pricks of white light...

"Sans? Sans is that you?" Papyrus asked, approaching the lights slowly.

They moved a fraction of an inch, angling so they were looking at him.

"Come out, Sans..." Papyrus said slowly.

The lights started to move slowly, approaching him. Papyrus smiled, finally, he had found him....

The lights stopped a few feet from him, staying there for a second before they split apart, becoming singular lights that approached him quickly. Papyrus backed up quickly, his hands in front of his face, before he felt something hit him in the chest, cutting through his shirt, ripping into his soul. His eyes went wide before he collapsed to the ground.

The last thing he saw before fading into unconsciousness where two white pricks of light.


Sans rubbed his eyes. He was tired, but he couldn't fall asleep now. If he did, he risked getting caught. He had found a tree with a large canopy that was disguised by enough leaves to conceal his presence. He had holed up there until it had been raining for a few hours. He decided that by that time that it would be a good time to try and get into the compound, as it was dark enough to conceal him.

He slowly made his way down the tree, landing on the balls of his feet, quickly looking around to make sure nobody was there. It turned out that years of running from the flower had actually helped something. It was apart of the reason why he was able to dodge so well. He had had too, especially when he had only had one HP.

He crept through the forest floor, careful to not make any noise as he quickly came back up to the compound. It was easy enough to find, and it looked like the patrols hadn't returned just yet. Some of them were there, but it looked like most of them where near the center of the encampment around a small fire.

There were a few soldiers that were patrolling the edge of the encampment, but there was a large area that was left unprotected. He took a deep breath, flitting quietly through the forest like an angry wasp so that he didn't stay in one place for too long on the off chance that somebody would glance his direction. If they did they would just think they were seeing things... Hopefully at least.

He made it to the other side after having to stop a few times and duck into the bushes when a guard looked his way. He was beginning to realise that this was going to be a bit harder than usual. He really wished he could t-

His train of thought was cut off when he heard someone coming up behind him. He quickly jumped up, grabbing onto a limb closer to the ground and heaving himself up into the tree, pressing himself as much as he could up to the trunk in hopes that he wouldn't be caught. He took a few deep breaths, steadying himself and wrapping his black wings around himself to hide himself even more.

He made the grave mistake of looking down.

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