Chapter One

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Half a year. It had been half a year since the incident and Sans still refused to talk to anyone about it. Whenever anyone asked, he would shiver and his eyes would dim before he waved it off. He wouldn't even tell the police. And Papyrus was worried.

It was like a new tradition. Sans would do something and Papyrus would worry. And Papyrus just wished that he would just talk to him, but he refused. He just talked in his strange circular speech, always making it seem like he was okay... But Papyrus knew better.

It was just kinda hard.

It was a cold december morning and Frisk had dragged everyone outside to play in the freshly fallen snow. Papyrus and Frisk were skating around on the frozen pond in the middle of the park, while Undyne and Alphys where sitting together watching the two do their thing. Behind them Sans was sitting with his back against a tree, watching Papyrus and Frisk twirling around on the pond.

He didn't like them. He never really liked the kid. Sure they hadn't gone genocide. Yet. Who's to say that one day the kid might decide to reset at the drop of a hat and kill everyone he loved. It gave you a bit of trust issues.

Beside him Sans heard snow crunch as Mettaton came up beside him.

"Why aren't you over with the others?" He asked.

"I... jus' not feeling up to it right now." Sans answered, not bothering to look up.

"Well that's a poor excuse." Mettaton said as he grabbed Sans by the arm, forcefully dragging him to the others.

"Mettaton let me go." Sans said, though his voice was bleak.

"No way. You are coming whether you like it or not." Mettaton said as he continued to drag him by the wrist.

Sans didn't answer, just let himself get dragged by the robot until he finally managed to drag him all the way to the pond where he finally let him go. Undyne and Alphys were beside him, trying to stifle their giggles.

"Are you done now." Sans asked curtly, startling the robot.

"Well if you're going to act like that maybe I am." Mettaton said before turning around with a huff and walking back towards Frisk and Papyrus.

"Sans... That was kind of rude. He was only trying to help." Undyne said when he had sat down.

"Well maybe I don't need your help." He said, venom practically dripping from his words.

Undyne returned Sans glare until he looked away and stood up.

"I'll be inside if anyone needs me." He said walking back up the hill.

"Wait Sans! Ugg!" Undyne shouted, annoyed when he ignored her.

Sighing, Papyrus looked at where his brother had been sitting. Skating over to the edge of the pond he took off his skates and stood up.

"I'll go after him." Papyrus said, sighing as he stood up to chase after him.

"Are you sure? He seems like he wants to b-be alone." Alphys said remembering his glare.

"I am his brother. As much as he may try he isn't getting rid of me." Papyrus said with conviction as he chased after Sans, leaving a concerned Frisk on the ice.

Papyrus found Sans in his room looking at some blueprints, a faraway look on his face. Walking up behind him, careful not to touch his wings, he placed a hand on his shoulder, causing the smaller skeleton to flinch.

"Sans... wanna talk?" Papyrus asked as he sat in the chair next to his brothers.

"Talk about what?" Sans asked, not bothering to look up from his papers.

"Everything. Sans you've been so... distant lately! It's almost like you aren't even here! I've been so worried, so why won't you just talk to me?" Papyrus asked, spinning his brother around by the shoulders.

Sans finally moved, the mask he had been keeping on his face for the past few months fell and broke, revealing what laid behind it. Looking up to Papyrus, his brother looked on in horror at his expression.

He looked absolutely broken.

Sans was crying, and he couldn't stop. The dam he had constructed in his mind couldn't hold it anymore and it burst. He barely even noticed when Papyrus wrapped him into a hug. It was all he could do.

Papyrus was getting more worried every minute. He had never seen his brother like this. So broken. And it hurt. Hugging him harder, Papyrus waited for his sobs to finally die down.

After a few minutes, Sans tears had all been used up, and his brother finally let him go, holding him at arm's length and looked him in the eyes. Raising his dimmed eyes, he met his brother's intense stare, shrinking back against his chair.

"Sans... how long?" Papyrus asked worry etched into his features like stone.

Sans didn't answer, just hung his head and stared at the floorboards, avoiding his brother's gaze at all costs.

"Sans... if you don't want to talk about it right now you don't have too. Let's just start small I guess." Papyrus said, continuing when he saw Sans nod. "How do you do that... levitating thingy?"

"I... don't know. Instinct?" Sans answered, his voice shaky.

Papyrus sighed. He knew he should ask his brother what was wrong, but he knew that now was not the time. Whenever Sans got like this he knew that he wouldn't talk about it for awhile.

They sat together for awhile, neither of them wishing to leave. After a while, Papyrus looked down and saw that Sans had fallen asleep. He smiled as he looked at his dozing brother, his expression more peaceful than it had been in months. Smiling, Papyrus hugged his brother, eventually dozing off himself.


Frisk smiled when they glanced into the room. Papyrus and Sans seemed to be sleeping peacefully. They had begun to worry about Sans over the past few months and it was nice to see that he was finally calming down a bit.

Frisk sighed as they closed the door. Sans didn't like them. They knew that. They really couldn't blame him though. If they were in his position they didn't think they would trust them either.

Frisk tried to reassure Sans that they wouldn't go genocide. Even promised to not reset anymore... but he didn't believe them. Truth be told Frisk didn't know if they believed themselves.

"Hey punk? How are they doing?" Undyne shouted from downstairs.

Frisk motioned for Undyne to be quiet, signing that they were sleeping. Nodding Undyne walked back into the kitchen with Alphys and Mettaton, while Frisk joined them shortly.

"How they doing?" Undyne asked when Frisk had returned.

"Sleeping." Frisk signed.

"That's good. I haven't seen either of them get that much sleep lately. Hey Frisk can I ask you something?" Undyne said.

"Yes?" They signed.

"Whats Christmas?"

"Oh... um... it's a holiday where people exchange gifts and they spend time with family. It's kinda complicated, but that's the gist of it. Kinda like the tree thing in snowdin except it's only once a year." Frisk explained.

"Oh, so that's what that is. Darling I just had the best idea! I believe I have just found a way to cheer up our neighborhood skelebrothers!"

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