Chapter Eight

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Frisk threw open the door to the lab, tears still streaming down their face, only to be greeted by nothing. The lab was oddly clean, lacking papers that were usually scattered around the room in Sans odd way of organization. But this time, only one paper could be seen on the desk in the back of the room.

Frisk moved over to the note and picked it up, recognizing Sans's handwriting. He had started to speak more grammatically correct, but he still wrote without proper punctuation.

hey. youve probably noticed that im not there anymore. dont worry about me, i promise im fine. dont be worried if i dont come back, and dont come after me. i have to deal with this. its my fault they are still alive as it is. dont worry about me paps. stay safe, and if they do come again, if i cant do it, hide. run and hide. these people will kill you. i need you to stay safe. i love you bro.

Horror replaced the sadness on Frisks face. Sans had gone after them. Sans had gone after the people who had took their mother. Sans was going to get himself killed. Holding the note to her chest, she ran out of the room as fast as she could, bursting through the doors of the house into the skeleton brothers living room, startling Papyrus who had been tidying up a bit.

"Oh, hello human! What's the matter?" He asked, noticing the expression on her face.

Frisk raised her shaking hands, trying to sign , though she failed as her hands were shaking too badly and her words came out all jumbled.

"Human? Calm down. Here, come sit with me." Papyrus said, leading Frisk to the couch where she sat next to him.

"Now, what's the matter?" He asked again, a little slower this time.

Frisk tried signing again, but they found that they couldn't get their hands to stop shaking long enough to do it. They reached into their back pocket and slowly handed him the note they had found, letting him scan the note.

After a minute, Papyrus's face froze, and he read the note multiple times over, horror flitting across his features. He stayed like that for a few minutes, before standing up, the note falling to the ground.

"I have to go after him." He said determinedly.

Frisk jumped up, shaking their head quickly and pointedly.

"No Frisk. I can't let him go out and get himself killed. I'll be fine. I promise. Please. Go to Undyne or Asgore and tell them what's happening." Papyrus said, smiling a forced smile at her as he quickly exited the house, closing the door before Frisk could argue further.

She had a very bad feeling about this.


Sans waited silently on the top-most branches of a tree overlooking the heart of the forest, waiting silently for some sign of human life. He knew it probably wasn't the best of strategies, but he really didn't have a better option. The only other thing he could think of was for him to allow them to capture him, but he doubted that was the best plan.

It was the best thing he could think of at the moment, and the tree was dark, so he was pretty well hidden. If he was caught, he could resort to... No it was too dangerous. He just needed to wait.

He waited there for an hour or so before finally, he heard something coming through the forest. After another minute, three men all dressed in bulletproof vests, cradling a gun came into view. He struggled to keep himself under control. Any anxious movement or even the slightest of twitches would alert the men to his position, completely blowing his cover and probably getting himself killed.

"It's stupid. We should be there protecting the prisoner." One of the men grumbled.

Sans assumed they were talking about the weed. Frisk had said that it had been taken by these people. He didn't really care. Personally he believed the Flower deserved it. After all those years....

Sans shook himself a bit. He was getting closer and closer to an anxiety attack and he couldn't afford that right then. He had to stay focused. Taking a deep breath, he returned his attention to listening in on the guards conversation.

"...whatever. I don't really care what the idiot boss thinks. I swear if I could I would ring his neck." One of the guards murmured, frowning.

"Heh, yeah good luck with that. Enjoy getting yourself killed." One of the other guards said, scoffing.

"I don't know how he does it! He's just a normal human being, yet he's managed to make everyone here scared for their lives!" The one who had murmured snapped.

"Look kid, when you've been here for a while, you'll find out, but trust me, you don't want to know." One of the other men scolded.

"Uhuh, sure. I TOTALLY believe you! I mean, come on!" The man said again as they left Sans range of hearing.

That was odd? What could have possibly made the men so scared of this... 'boss.' And what did they mean by Boss? Do they mean the doctor? That didn't make much sense though, as....last time, they didn't refer to him as boss....

Sans shook his head, trying not to think about it. It was best to just get this over with. He slowly and carefully started to make his way to the direction the men had come from. 

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