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Chapter 3

Time flew by as quick as a cheetah to my clearance. It was already the end of the day. Thank god for that.

As I walked through the hallway to hurry out of Ridgeway.

Once I got outside my skin shined brightly. My pale skin looked like it shined. And I was told that by many people.


Once again I hear my name called from Danny. I spin around to see Danny. She looked really excited. Looks like I will be hearing a story. Danny snatches my hands and seemed to be bouncing up and down. "What's got you all jumpy?" I ask with amusement. "I was asked out!" Danny said with happiness.

My eyes widened in shock. But also in happiness. Danny was one of those tomboys who barely get asked out. And was basically one of the guys. So this was a shocker!

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you?"

"Happy about what?"

Turning around, I see Henry behind me. His brother also behind him. Ricky Sanderson, Henry's older brother. He was a handsome fellow. A lone wolf he was. Which made him cool in this school.

"Danny was asked out." I said happily. Wrapping my arms around Danny's neck. Hugging her tightly. "Wow that's nice." Henry said kindly. A small smile on his face. Exposing a small fang. I looked at Ricky and didn't see a smile on his face. He liked rather upset.

Ricky just looked away and walked off. Uh oh. That ain't good.

"Who asked you out?" I asked quickly. Danny was staring at Ricky. But she looked back at me. A smile on her face. "Stone Black." The smile on my face. Henry's enemy. I looked at Henry quickly. Seeing he didn't look too happy.

Nodding, I gave her a smile. "That's amazing." I said with fake happiness. I had met Stone once. He gave me a terrible scar on my left arm.

"Well I better go. My mom doesn't like it when I'm even a few minutes later when school is over."

It was a flat lie. But Danny nodded, obviously very jumpy. She just nodded and hurried off.

"She is very jumpy."

I began to laugh. Henry wrapped his arms around me. Snuggling me close to him. "Want me to take you home?" My laughter immediately died. Last time he took me home I had to pluck branches out of my hair. Also we were chased by a bear. "Promise me I won't have branches in my hair this time." I clearly begged. Making Henry laugh.

We both began to walk into the forest. The only way we could do it. Henry kept my hand in his. Once we entered the forest, Henry lifts me into his arms. Earning a startled squeak! Henry began to laugh. He leaned in a gave me a kiss.

It was an amazing kiss. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck. The way he kissed was amazing. I couldn't suppress the moan from escaping. Henry leaned down and kisses my neck. A gasp escaped my lips immediately.

"Let's hurry, my lovely wife." Henry whispered. In a split second Henry was running. Everything around us was a blur. I looked around us in awe. His speed never stopped amazing me. It was truly magnificent. I laid my head on Henry's chest. Listening to his soft heartbeat.

It was soothing like a bird's tune. I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Opening up my eyes. I find myself in my bed. Blinking a couple of times. I sat up and rubbed my temple. What happened? All I remember was going into the forest with Henry.

"You're awake."

Turning my head to the side. Finding Henry at my desk chair. "What happened?" I asked confused. Henry smiled calmly and walked up to me. He lays his hand on my forehead. "You don't have a fever." Henry stated. A blush then appeared on my cheeks.

"You had fallen asleep when I was taking you home. I explained to your mother that you were tired so I carried you home. Isabelle can be really emotional when it comes to romance."

The last thing he said made me laugh. Isabelle was the one who would always be excited for romance.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. It's just, I enjoyed hearing your heartbeat." I said truthfully.

Henry smiled warmly at me. He knelt down and kissed me. I closed my eyes, wanting the kiss to go longer. But the door to my room opened. We backed away from each other quickly. Finding Jonathan standing right there.

"Hi Dad." I said sheepishly. Jonathan glared at Henry. "I came to check on you. But looks like you're alright." Jonathan said with a twitching brow. That meant he was angry! I looked up at Henry. Seeing he looked a little embarrassed. "I'm alright. I was up late last night studying for a test." I lied. My father wouldn't understand. Besides it's not my fault I fell asleep in Henry's arms.

Henry looked away from Jonathan. Not loving the look he was getting. I got off my bed and straightened up. "Your daughter is just fine, Mr. Johnson. She was indeed tired." Henry said as he puts him and I at a respectful distance. Well enough distance that makes my dad happy.

"Well it's time for dinner. Henry, you are free to stay." Jonathan said as he left. Sounding a little regretful saying that. He turned around and left my room. Calming both me and Henry.

"Why doesn't your father like me?" Henry asked me. I couldn't help but giggle. "He thinks I'm too young for dating."

Henry smirked, exposing his fangs. He got closer and wrapped his arm around me. "Well we are more than boyfriend and girlfriend." Henry kissed my cheek and then grabbed my hand. The both of us walking downstairs for dinner.

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