Immortal Anger

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Chapter 5

It was already Wednesday and I was freaking out. I was in home EC. Today we were being taught how to cook. I was excited. Till I was assigned my damn cooking partner!

Chopping up lettuce at fast speed from pressure. Everyone around me was doing to same. The sound of knives hitting the cutting board filled the air.

My apron was covered in tomato sauce. The smell of spices made my eyes water. (But my mother was a chef so I was used to the smell.) Also I had some small cuts from the knife. The assignment for the day was to make a dinner platter. Luckily, I was used to making dinner when I'm home alone.

Stone was sadly my cooking partner. He has been quiet ever sense he kissed me. I haven't spoken a word to Henry about it. But I was very clammy around Henry as well. Stone I wanted to kill as much as Henry wanted too. Though I didn't have to guts too. Sense he was my best friend.

I looked over at Stone without stopping my chopping. Looking at him through my bangs as he worked. He was busy slicing up onions, his eyes glued to the food. Not bothering on looking at me.

A hiss escaped my lips when I accidentally cut myself. I dropped the knife and clenched on to my finger. Blood was already falling down my finger. The cut was about two inches long.

"Are you alright?" Stone asked. I looked up at him as I put a paper towel on my finger. He looked worried, his eyes on my finger. My eyes widened when I saw his eyes turn silver. "I just cut myself." I said, looking away from his glowing eyes.

Henry warned me when immortals' eye colors change. It means they were either mad, or hungry. Also were in battle mode. And I have no idea what Henry is in!!!

Stone snatched my bloody finger. Taking off the paper towel and pulling me toward him. I wondered what he was doing. Until I realized what he was doing. He inserted my finger into his mouth! The most brightest blush could be seen on my face. Feeling his tongue run up and down my cut.

"Uh. . ."

My heart hammered against my skin. No knowing what the heck to say. I just continued to look dumbstruck at Stone as he sucked on my finger.

Finally, Stone let go of my finger. I pulled my finger away and wiped his saliva off my finger. My cheeks burning like fire. I then glared angrily at Stone. Does this boy have a death wish!?

The bell rung and I immediately rip my apron off. Snatching my things and bolting out the door. Not caring about my cut finger. It'll heal!

I basically ran down the halls to my math class. It ain't my favorite subject. But if it meant being away from Stone. I'm alright!


Slamming my heels against the floor. Once hearing my husband's voice made me freeze. I take a few deep breaths. Not wanting to seem freaked out than I was.

Henry walked up to me. A look of worry on his handsome face. "Is everything alright? You didn't answer my calls yesterday." Henry said in worry. Shit. . . "I was buried in homework again." I lied. I hated lying to Henry. But if he knew what happened Monday, he and Stone would be at each other's throats more than they already are.

"Clarissa." I knew that tone in his voice. He didn't believe me. So I had to tell him. Taking a deep breath, bracing myself for the anger.

"Stone kissed me."

It all happened so fast. Next thing I was standing in the hallway. Now I'm in the forest. How does Henry do that!?

I whipped my head all around. Dropping the things in my hands. Then looked back at Henry. "Henry! What did you just do!?" I demanded angrily. Henry didn't look too pleased. His eyes now were red. His fangs were exposed. Not good.

At. All.

Henry wrapped his arms tightly around me. Inhaling my scent. I could feel his nose bury into my hair. I stood there still. Knowing he would have a hard grip on me. Slowly, I wrapped my arms around his back. Showing that I still cared for him.

"Why did he kiss you?" Henry whispered in my ear.

I wasn't sure myself. Stone and I were friends. Never did he show signs of affection. This was just so sudden.

"I don't know. He never shown any sign of affection toward me before. So I don't know."

Suddenly, Henry nipped my neck. A light gasp escaped my lips when I felt his teeth nip my skin. W-What was he doing!? His arms were like stone around me. Refused to let go no matter what. He then kissed me with passion. I was able to see that his eyes were still red.

He was angry.

And he wants to show that I'm his Soul Mate.

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