Chapter 13

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"Take it off."

"B-But I have no-"

"Look at me." I gulped my saliva down my dry throat, pushing the spectacles close to my eyes and lifted my face up diffidently, looking at Jungkook who was giving me an expressionless face.  "Maybe a slogger need quite a long time to understand this face so, let me explain. I.Don't.Give.A.Fuck. "

I looked elsewhere, feeling totally pissed off because of this human but, I still needed his shirt so talking back was not really a choice.

I sealed my lips tight, finding hard for the excuses. "I-I will buy you a new one. I promise!" I told, sounding persuasive whilst hoping him to atleast eat my reasons for once but, being the pain in the ass he was, he just snorted before he out of a sudden yanked the shirt I was wearing, slightly bringing me forward towards him.

"Do you even know how much this shirt is?"

"10 dollars?"

"10 dollars?" He scoffed in disbelief and it indirectly added in another new characteristic of him into my dictionary - arrogant stingy prick! "You've got to be kidding me. 10 dollars? Can't believe you're that dense you don't even know what Chanel is."


Jungkook looked at me in a mocking way, "Oh my god, I forgot you're still in your 19th. My bad." Jungkook shook his head, clicking his tongue annoyingly and looked at me in sympathy with that small pouty lips, obviously testing my nerve. "Sweetheart, this shirt cost 105 dollars. Are you sure you're going to pay it back?"

My eyes went big when he announced the price of the shirts. "105 dollars for a plain white shirt? That just.. that just so expensive! You're lying weren't you? That doesn't make any sense, you idio-" Instantly, I closed my mouth when I realised I was so close to my death. With a smirk, he towered over me with his chin was slightly lifted, showing of his overbearing pride.

"Spill it." He simply stated. I just stood silent and shook my head while secretly clenching my fist tight, pissed off would be an understatement. "Why? Finally realised you've got nothing to compare to me?" As he said that, he pushed my forehead with his middle finger, making me to wince.

"5 seconds and I'll strip you myself."


My eyes got wider as my mind immediately processed for excuses. "H-how if you give me the cheape-"


"The cheapest shirt you hav-"


"Don't cut my word! I said give me the c-"


"Wait! Wait! Give me time to-"


"1." He smirked again and I drew back in fear when he out of a sudden took a big step closer, his hand was quick to pull the hem of the shirt I was wearing. "5 seconds and you're not even trying to change your clothes or at least run off? You really want me to take it off for you, huh-"

"Jungkook. Stop being immature. You're scaring her." I mentally prayed in my mind, feeling highly grateful when Mr.Jeon suddenly spoke up from behind. Jungkook, who was having his words hung halfway, just sent me a glare before mouthed something.

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