Chapter 44

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We were in the kitchen, just the two of us, alone. I clutched the hem of my shirt under the table as I looked at Mrs. Jeon who was smiling at me, excitedly like she had a very good news in her mind but even so, it somehow managed to increase the unpleasant feeling in my heart.

"How are you doing, ma?"

Jungkook's mom sent me her motherly smile and nodded her head, "I'm fine. You?"

"Me? I'm good. By the way, Is there something you want to tell me?" I asked. As much as I didn't want to be a rude daughter-in-law and asked her that question so fast, I just couldn't help myself but to wonder and wonder and eventually let the words slid out of my tongue.

She smiled again and clutched her hands together before straightening her body. "Its about you and Jungkook." She said, "Before that, you've met Izzy right?"

She questioned me and I nodded my head as I gulped in the spit down my throat.

"How is she?"

"What do you mean?" I asked and looked at her eyes which still shimmering with excitement.

"I mean like.. do you think she's beautiful?" Instantly, I responded by nodding my head. There's nothing to deny anyway.

"She's gorgeous, mom."

"I know right." She giggled and instantly ran her eyeballs to the living room, looking at Izzy who was busy scrolling through her phone. "I'm never thought she would be back again after few years staying in London."

She then smiled, eyes darting on me, "Last time I see her, she's still a small kid and look at her now. A grown up woman."

I nodded.

"She's Jungkook's bestfriend since childhood. You know that right?." I nodded my head again, "They're so close and I still remember how miserable Jungkook was the first few months Izzy left him. He locked himself in his room for months and if not because of his friend Jimin, I don't know what would happen to him. They're like inseparable."

The way she talked made me so damn frustrated and angry. She definitely had something important to tell me but she kept changing the topic.

It's so nerve-wrecking!

"What is it mom? Just tell me."

The curiosity might've killed the cat but, honestly, it already killed my patience.

She sighed and soon, took my hand with hers, holding it with a little squeeze, as if she was expecting something from me. Her eyes darted on mine and the way she looked at me, made my heart to beat in an indescribable way.

The beat felt so different from the way it used to beat for Jungkook. The beat Jungkook made me did send the pleasure along the vein throughout my body but it just different. Instead of making me felt at ease, it somehow sent something I was pretty sure I might not like and the probability was so high- I could sense it that my hands were starting to sweat. So did my forehead.

"Seulhi, tell me honestly." She held my gaze captive and again, I gulped my spit down my dry, tightening throat, holding my breath as I waited for her to continue her words, "Do you love Jungkook?"

My heart stopped beating for a moment and I looked at her in surprise. Thousands of questions clouded my mind and I was drowned in it that my brain seemed to become malfunction completely.

Why she asking me this?
It just so.. personal?
Is there something wrong?
What should I tell her?
I love him but confessing now would be so embarrassing.
Especially in front of the guy's mom.
But, I love him didn't I?
It just a simple yes Seulhi.

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