Kitties At Your Door

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I hope you enjoy this.

(F/N)=First Name

(L/N)=Last Name

(F/S)=Favourite Show

~(F/N)'s P.O.V~

I came home from work. And boy, oh boy, was the day tiring. I ate my dinner and stayed up watching (F/S). But then I heard a quiet "meow" from outside my door. At first, I ignored it but then the "meows" continued. I groaned and wobbled to the door and opened the door. When I opened the door and didn't see anything, but then a meow caught my attention and I looked down to see a box of cats and a cat, with a lot of hair, rubbing against my leg and purring. I picked up the cat and put it back in the box with the other cats. I carried the box inside and placed it on my couch and closed the door, I then looked at their necks, only to find collars. "I guess you guys already have owners..." I read the collar of the cat that was currently trying to jump onto my breasts and lay on them 'Francis' I scoffed "I'd rather call him 'Perverted Cat'" I mumbled, but loud enought for Francis and the other cats to hear. I heard a chuckle right after I said that, and I whipped my head to the side but only saw the cats. Francis starts hissing at the Scottish Fold in the box. I picked up the cat from the box and read it's collar it said "Arthur..." I say, reading it out loud. I looked at the cats face and it looked grumpy, with it's long eyebrows (The majestic eyebrows~) I chuckle at the cat "Why are you looking at me like that Mr. Grumps~?" I teased while Arthur's tail goes between his legs and looks away. While I heard a soft "Ohonhonhon~" ' Am I finally going crazy..?' I thought right after the laugh. I put Arthur down next to Francis and they immediately start hissing and pawing at each other. I ignore them and look at the cat who's eyes looked like they're completely shut and "Ve-meowing" I looked at the collar to see the name 'Feliciano' and underneath it says 'But call me Feli~ Ve~' I put the cat down and looked at a serious looking black cat. I picked it up with shaking hands because I felt like it was trying to kill me with it's intense stare, and if looks could kill, I would be dead right now. I read the collar and it said 'Ludwig' and put the cat down. I sighed as I looked at the four cats left in the box. I pulled out the fluffy black cat that had a grin on it's face, but a dark aura was covering it and you were a little worried so you read the collar as quickly as you can 'Ivan' underneath it said 'It's said as E-van, da?' "Uhh...ok Ivan.." the cat nods in approval and walks to the others. Then I picked up the cat that wouldn't f*cking shut up! I read it's collar and it said Alfred "If I were the owner Ii would call you 'The Cat That Would Never Shut up'!" The cat has a little pout but when they go to Arthur he keeps meowing. Then you got out another black cat that had a...ponytail..? It was confusing but I just ignored it and read the collar 'Wang Yao' underneath it said 'You can call me Yao, aru (sorry, not sorry)' The cat just looks at me and meows "Meow-aru" I was confused at the 'aru' but, whatever. And I took out a Japanese Bobtail and looked at it's collar 'Kiku' I placed him down and he went next to Ludwig. 'Now that i'm done i can...' but then another meow came from the box. I sigh just when I thought I was done...I picked the cat up that meowed really softly, almost like a whisper. Again I read the collar and it said, 'Mathieu (or Matthew..?)' and when I placed the cat down, It walked to Alfred and started meowing but Alfred seemed to not notice the poor meowing cat. I have thought of checking their gender but I assume that they were all male. Not sure for Feliciano though....Eh.

-Earlier that day-

~Germany / Ludwig's P.O.V~

It was another world meeting conference, and that means more arguments. And just when I was about to shout for them to stop, the 2ps came in and England's 2p casted a magic spell on us. That turned us into something... Scheisse! I thought as I blacked out, "Goodnight and don't let the dogs bite~" That was the last thing I heard.

When I woke up, I looked beside me and saw...Gino!? I looked on the other side of me and saw Tama!? I sat up and looked around and saw the Allie Cats. "VAKE UP EVERYONE!" I shouted and that caused everyone to jump and wake up. "You didn't need to shout Germany-kun..." A familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Tama rubbing his eye with his paw. "JAPAN!?" I shouted, completely shocked. 'Then that means..we were all turned into our cats!?' (No shit Sherlock...)

Then I realized we were all in a box. And that the door in front of us opened to expose a human being in front of us. ' I swear to gott, when I find those 2ps, I'll give them a piece of my mind,' I thought as the woman carries us into her house.
Hope you enjoyed this..!

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