A Long Night... / Part 10

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~(F/N)'s P.O.V~

  Currently, I was sitting on the couch, music blaring through my house, a drunk Arthur, Francis, Feliciano, Samantha, and Alfred, "For f*cks sake....when..or HOW did they get to my alcohol," I mumble to Katie, who was sitting beside me

  "Watch that mouth missy! Oh and Sammy told them," My eyes widen as I heard that Samantha took them, "SAMANTHA!" I says as I tackle her to the ground, which in the process, I tackle Feliciano as well since he was...beside Samantha doing something? Eh, I don't really care about that at this point, "WHY THE HELL DID YOU TAKE THEM TO WHERE THE ALCOHOL WAS AT!?" Samantha just laughs, "Whaat -hic- are you talking -hic- about?" She slurrs in between hicupps and giggles. I sigh, "Well I guess I won't need to beat you up or anything, -grin- because your heads already going to that tomorrow..." "Eh?" Samantha says with a confused face.

  "Ehehehe...you'll know what I mean soon..." I say then walk away back to the couch.

  "(F/N), vhat did jou do to them?" Ludwig asked as I sat down. I only smiled and said," Something that's not important to you..."

  That made Ludwig back off and walk away. I sighed and I soon fell asleep.

~Japan's P.O.V~

  I sat on a chair, happily and nervously eating my sushi. I was happy because I get to eat sushi. I was nervous because anyone can find out that I made a Anime about us soon. Since we need to tell them what world we came from.

Sorry that this one is short, I made this shorter because I'm brain dead.

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