Don't Think Like That! / Part 9

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I'll just get onto the story...

~(F/N)'s P.O.V~

  Alfred then shouted somethin' about a party, I agreed, since that would be the only thing (fun) I would get to do on my 'vacation'. But then he also shouted somethin' about alcohol, and Katie didn't usually like alcohol but still agreed since she claims that she hasn't seen me drunk in a while, ugh that was terrible...I remembered that Samantha took a picture of me kissing a random guy in the bar we were at. (Don't worry, I apologized next day,) I never wanted to drink after that. So then I grew flustered amd started yelling at Katie.

  "I HATE YOU SO MUCH!' I shout storming up stairs. Katie just giggles, "I love you too sweetie~!" she yells back.

~Germany's P.O.V~

  (F/N) acts a lot like Lovino, while Katie acts a lot like's quite interesting. But then about the party, "Are jou sure zhat ve can throw a party with such little time? I bet that (F/N) doesn't even have alcohol...or beer..." I asked Alfred, but mumbled the last part about beer. Samantha does a little grin, "Don't worry about that I got it covered, I know where (F/N) keeps her stash of alcohol, and let me tell you, she's not someone to mess around with alcohol, it took us a lot of wine, beer, vodka, and a few other types to get her really drunk," she says. Katie nods in agreement, "That also wasted a lot of our money..." she says, frowning. Wow...I'm kind of curious of how (F/N) will act when she's drunk, -mentally slaps himself- don't be thinking about that right now! We just have to set up the party... (OCC I know, I know...)

~France's P.O.V~

  Oh non....if there's alcohol, it means that there's gonna be a drunk angleterre...and a drunk angleterre is going to be terrible. We must keep him away from the alcohol when the party starts! (Sorry if France is acting OCC right now, I kinda don't know what to do...) I walked over to Alfred and whispered, "If you 'ee Mr. Eyebrows 'oing near the alcohol, 'top 'im before it's too 'ate," I could see Alfred's face pale and nod.

~Italy's P.O.V~

  A party sounds nice~! But i'm kind if worried for the bella right now, she hasn't come down in fifteen minutes...I wonder if she' alright. Maybe I should ask her friends, maybe they'll know if she 's alright or not.

  "Ciao ladys! Is~a the bella raggazza gonna be~a alright?" I ask. Katie giggles amd Samantha rolls her eyes, "Of course she's alright! (I hope...) She's just in her room, probably cursing a lot in a corner, god I can't take her dirty mouth...(but I still love her..) she'll come down in about fifteen or twenty minutes! (I think..)" Even though the raggazza sounded so cheerful and happy, her eyes showed sadness and concern.

  "Raggazza? Are you~a alright...? Don't be~a so upset(ti, have some spaghetti! Sorry..)," I sworn I could have seen some tears forming in her eyes, but she wiped them away before it comes out of her eyes, and nods. Samantha looks at Katie and Katie nods, "I-I'll be checking up on (F/N) Feli, and i'm fine, don't worry.." she says as she goes up the stairs. I turn around to face Samantha, but she wasn't there anymore, "Ve~? Where did~a she go~a?" I thought out loud, as I look around.

~(F/N)'s P.O.V~ (Sorry if this is too much switching...)

  I was laying on my bed, about to fall asleep when I heard a knock on my door, "(F/N)? Are you in here?" The voice asked, but I also noticed that the voice was a bit shaky as well, hm, I wonder why? I groan in response and the door creeks open, revealing Katie, "(F/N)? A-Are you alright? Did I make you mad? If i did, i'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." I sit on the edge of my bed and sigh, "It's alright," I then stretch out my arms, "C'mon and give me hug...and a real hug, not trying-to-kill-me-by-suffocating- me-hug..." I mumble. Katie's eyes sparkle and runs at me and hugs me, normally. I heard a few sniffles and sobs but the rest was a comforting silence. Then I heard a camera, I looked up to see Samantha, "SAMANTHA!" I shout angirly. Samantha chuckles, "What? This is for our scrap book!" she exclaims. I sigh but smile, "Then join in the hug, we want you to be involved too..." Samantha chuckles again, and joins in the hug, "Don't ever leave us (F/N), we both love you very much..."


  "This is~a so carino~!"

  "I agree 'ith you Feli~"

  "Bloody frog! Don't ruin this moment! You too Alfred (and Feliciano)!"

  "Ja, I agree with Authur..."

  "Well be quiet then! You too are ruining the moment!(aru)!"

  "Aren't you too? Ufufufu~"

  "Please quiet down everybody.."

  "Mmm...I wirr have to agree with Authur and Rudwig.."

  "Can anyone hear me..?"

  Ten voices say from the door way. I groan inwardly but a smile still on my face, I think I might get used to this change...
Carino- Cute (Italian)

Angleterre- England (French)

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