Why Can't I Remember..? / Part 6

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I'm doin' this one again because there was a problem with the original one.

~(F/N)'s P.O.V~

"So...tell me again why can't you all just find another place to stay? Especially Samantha and Katie?" I asked, quite annoyed that they're following me back at my house (or apartment).

"Aww...~ c'mon (N/N)! Don't be so grumpy or else you'll turn into Arthur! Plus, it wouldn't be fair if you gwt to sleep with nine guys and we don't get any!" that caught Arthur's attention, while my face turns red as (romanos) tomatoes, "Hey! I'm not grumpy you bloody woman!" Katie stops and (pretend) tears form in her blue eyes, "I-I was only joking a-around...." she stutters. I sigh and smack Katie on the back of her head, "Don't be so dramatic," Katie pouts and the tears immediately go away, "No fun!" Samantha sighs, "Stop acting like a child too," Before anyone could say anything else, Feliciano randomly jumps in and says, "Lets~a eats pasta~!" Katie smiles amd joins Feliciano in the annual pasta chanting, while everyone else just groans or facepalms.

"Lets go back to my hosue before anything else happens..." I whisper to Samantha and the others. They all agree and we finish our walk to my house.

~Samantha's P.O.V~

I wish I could've saw thaf face again when Katie said somethin' about (F/N) sleeping with nine guys! It was priceless! But of course, I know how to mess with her more.

"Hey, (F/N)~ Why do you have a whip in your pocket, hm?" I tease as I pull out the whip from the pocket. And now, everyone's eyes were on (F/N) with their own reaction, Kiku having a nosebleed then excusing himself, Ludwig standing there with a slight blush on his face, Francis saying something like being in a bed with (F/N) one day, Arthur saying that it's un-lady like, Feliciano saying something like having a naked siesta with (F/N), Yao trying to lecture (F/N), Alfred just blushing, and Ivan doing nothing. Oh! And of course Matthew doin' the same thing as his brother but worse. It's always fun messing around with (F/N). But this is kind of a drastic and......nice change? I say this because we really didn't have anybody except each other for support for years, our parents abandoned us and we met at an orphanage. But two of us know that we shouldn't get attached, and by two of us I mean Katie and I.

~Katie's P.O.V~

I realized that Sammy was being quiet again, that hasn't happened since our two other friends died. She's probably thinking that what'll happen if we get attached to these nine men, and to be honest, I agree with Samantha with pushing people away from us for our sake and (F/N)'s. But recently, I feel like this isn't right, maybe we should tell (F/N) about this stuff. But we can't know what the future will be for us. So for now, we'll have to wait and see what will happen to us.

~(F/N)'s P.O.V~

Katie and Samantha are really quiet and I have no one to talk to, too since the other guys are talkin' about something else and say that it is private, and it's not the comfortable quiet, it's kind of the intense and awkward quiet. But I suddenly feel a wave of emptiness wash over me, I feel like something's wrong, but I can't figure out what...Agh, this is so fustraiting and confusing! I feel like I should know what this is but I don't! I feel like breaking down right here and right now...why am I feeling these things with no reason behind it..? Can someone please tell me?

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