A New Realm

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It was a cool summer night and I was laying in my bed, attempting to fall asleep. However, with my insomnia, that wasn't gonna happen soon.

"Ugh... This sucks. Stupid brain..." I growled to myself.

I rolled back and forth, trying to find a good position as far as comfort goes. I couldn't find it.

I sat up and sighed. "Maybe a drink or something will help."

I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. When I got there, I opened the fridge and looked inside for anything to drink. I grabbed the first drink I saw; Milk.

"Ahh. Perfect."

I poured a glass of milk and drank it down. I put the milk back and set my cup in the sink. Then, I went back to my bedroom.

As I entered my room, I gawked at a strange sight. It looked like some kind of wormhole, like the ones in space. But, it was on my floor. Just, sitting there.

"What the hell...? How is this even-"

I was quickly cut off when the vortex began to suck in anything near it with a tremendous amount of force. I grasped onto the door frame, which slightly bent inward.

"Don't you dare break, you piece of bark."

Almost as if it responded to my threat, the door frame broke and I was absorbed by the portal, which closed soon after I fell through.

As I fell through this vortex and it's bridge, a ton of lightening and electricity jolted around me, barely missing me with each strike.

"What... What is going on...? I'm so confused... My parents will probably be worried sick... My friends... Everyone I know and care about... Ugh, my head is throbbing..."

I held a hand up to my head, massaging my temples.


Suddenly, after falling for what seemed like forever, there was a bright flash of light. It was utterly blinding and felt the same as a flashbang would. This seemed to indicate that my little trip was over, but... Where was I?

Green, grassy fields that only stopped for the bases of majestic mountains, with rings of clouds just beneath their peaks.

I was flat on my back, laying in the soft grass. A cool breeze blew by. It made my hair brush over into my face a little bit.

I blew my hair back out of my face with a small, "Pfft!"

"What is this place...? Where am I? And why does this place seem so familiar...?"

I slowly sat up and a few blades of grass stuck to the back of my head.

"Wait... I know where this is..."

I turned around and saw a small town that was just little ways down a small dirt road.

"I'm in Equestria..."

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