Where memories fade, bonds are made.

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When I awoke, I found myself in a hospital-like room. I had an IV in my arm, obviously for pain. But there was a problem, I couldn't move

I tried my best not to panic, so I just rested until I heard hoofsteps coming my way.

"Ah, he's awake. His body seems to be ok." Said one voice. It was from a pony that was masked and had goggles on.

"What about his mind?! That's what I really want to protect!!!" Said another, more panicked, voice.

I recognized the second one as Twilight almost immediately.

"T... Twilight...? Ugh... I screwed up really bad, huh...? Dammit..." I said, with huff.

"No! No no nononononono! This was the first day for your training! We'll get there! I... I promise!!!" She said, teary-eyed.

"Hey... Just smile. Things will- Ngh... Things will be ok." I replied with a grunt as a scalpel slowly cut open my charred leg. "Damn. That's... Gonna take a while to heal..."

Twilight sighed loudly and lifted my hand with her magic up to her hoof, allowing it to rest on top of her hoof. "I promise that we'll get to the point of mastering the Amulet. I know you can do it."

I smiled at her. She was the first pony I had met in Equestria and so far, she was the nicest I had met.

That is, until the yellow mare I had seen just before I blacked out walked up next to Twilight.

"O-oh my... Are you ok?" The new mare asked.

Upon a closer and more detailed observation, she was a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail. She also seemed really shy. I could only assume that this mare was Fluttershy.

"Yeah. I'll be ok. What's your name?"

"I'm..." She quickly and suddenly faded off. I couldn't hear what she said.

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

"I'm F-fluttershy. Who are you?"

"Jacob. Jacob Frost. Pleasure to meet you."

Fluttershy nodded to me, but seemed scared to make eye contact with me.

I didn't think anything of it and I just sat there, peacefully resting.

Next thing I knew, I had been sedated and put to sleep. I guess they had to do some surgery on me in order to fix the damage.

But while I was under, I was dreaming that I was watching my surgery happen. I was floating just behind my body's head about 2 feet off the ground. I heard Twilight say something about memory preservation and that she didn't want to erase my memories. Rather she wanted to move them.

I knew this had to have been a dream, there was no way it couldn't have.


Twilight casted some kind of spell, aimed at my head. She slowly pulled her horn away from my forehead and this web-like stuff was pulled out of my skull. It phased out through the front of my head.

"What the hell?! What's going on?!" I shouted.

No response. It's like I wasn't even there.

"This is a dream. Surely, they would've heard me..."

One of the doctors then brought over a strange jar. It was a ceramic jar with ornate designs plastered all over it. It looked like some kind of sacred tribal vase.

I dunno, it looked old.

Anyways, Twilight put the webbing, which I could only assume were my memories in the jar.

Suddenly, I felt empty. Like a huge portion of me had simply vanished...

"I don't think this is a dream..."

I tried to wake up. I tried to force myself awake. But nothing happened. I don't even know how I was able to watch the surgery happen.

I was so confused...

"Twilight, I don't know if you can hear me... But when I wake up, I want to know exactly what you just did..." I said, hoping she MIGHT be able to hear me.

Twilight suddenly jerked her head around the room, as if she was looking for something.

Her horn began to glow, as if she were casting a spell and immediately looked right at me.

Her face showed complete shock and regret. She knew what she had done and that I had seen it all happen.

I shook my head in disappointment and moved back over to my body.

"Why, Twilight? What could have possibly been the purpose for this...?" I asked her, hoping she would hear me now.

She simply sighed. "The magic you now posses is struggling to bond with your body because of your past of not being a magical creature. By removing your memories, it allows the magic to bond much easier with your body."

"What's going to happen with my memories that were taken? I can't even remember my birthday..."

"Whoops... I think I took more specific things than I had anticipated. I'll do my best to get that memory back for you."

"No. Its fine. We can just say it was on the same day that I arrived here. I just don't see the ethics in this..."

"Sometimes, ethics are superseded by the survival of the patient. In this case, if the magic hadn't bonded with your body, it would've torn you apart instead."

I sighed. "Another confusing thing, is how I'm watching this right now."

Twilight thought for a moment. "I, honestly, don't know. This seems like some kind of Ethereal Walker spell. But, you were put to sleep by anesthetics. Not by your own will or a simple spell. That amulet is truly perplexing... We need to keep an eye on it and your physical body. I would also be careful as to how long you're in this Ethereal state of being. It could have side affects."

I nodded to her. "Good point. But, I'll be lonely if I'm just sitting in my body..."

Twilight started thinking again. She seemed to think a lot. Almost as if it was her specialty.

"Princess Luna can link dreams between ponies. Maybe it will work in this scenario, then I could visit you when you're not out of your body. You know, keep you company."

I grinned. "I'd like some company sometimes. It would be nice."

Twilight nodded. "Then its settled. The only thing is to talk to Luna about this plan."

We both sighed in unison. THAT was the hard part.

"Well, I'll go back into my body for a while and wait. I'll check if your back in a few hours."

"Ok. I'll see you soon." Twilight waved to me and I waved back.

I then laid back where my body was and my Ethereal form faded away.

All I can say about being inside an unconscious body as a temporal spirit, it's dark. Really dark.

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