Scalpels, stitches and several days.

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The following few weeks went... Moderately smooth.

There wasn't a ton difficulty to being in an unconscious body, but it wasn't TOTALLY comfortable either. I want to be able to actually feel things again, instead of just phasing through them.

Not to mention, the loneliness of my body. It was pitch black in there. Is that something I should worry about? Either way, it got really lonely a lot of the time. Twilight visited when possible, but it did take a lot of Luna's strength and magic to do get her there. So naturally, it didn't happen often. In fact, I spent more time out of my body than inside.

It turns out that there weren't any crazy side effects from me being out too long. I would just go back into my body when I would start to get a really bad headache that seemed to only go away with returning to my physical body.

There seemed to be side effects, but only for long term separation from my body. Short to mid term lengths of time were no problem.

A week passed since my first day in the hospital and it seemed that everything was going ok. The doctors said that I should be good to go in a day or two. The work on my leg was nearly done and that was really the only thing that needed surgical attention.

The only downside to the whole situation was...

I lost my leg.

There was too much damage to it to save it, so it had to be amputated.

And since the only prosthetic limbs available were to pony specifications, I had to go with a filly-sized, hind leg replacement.

The hind legs of a filly were roughly the same height as my real leg, so it was a great fit. Maybe a bit small, but I still had lost a limb.

I couldn't even be in the same room when it was happening. I put up with the headache long enough for the amputation surgery to finish then I rushed back into my body without looking at it.

I stayed in my body for 2 days, devastated from what had to happen. I could hear Twilight calling to me from outside my body, but I ignored it. I couldn't handle seeing myself without one of my legs.


It would've broken me.

Finally, I worked up the nerve to come out of my body and take a look at my leg.

It was... Traumatizing.

All that was left was a nub about halfway between my hip and where my knee USUALLY is. I cried for at least 20 minutes straight. Losing a limb was the one thing in life that I TRULY feared most.

And it looked like my worst fears had come true.

"Jacob... I'm so sorry. I... I tried to figure out a way around amputation, but... There was nothing else that could've been done..." Twilight said in an attempt to console me. It didn't work as well as she had hoped.

"Yeah... I guess so." I replied, with a sniffle from crying. "Still, even if I can't feel the physical pain... The emotional pain is much greater..."

Twilight nodded in both agreement and understanding.

2 days later, I found myself back in my body slowly and grudgingly waking up in my actual body. The prosthetics were magically fused to the numb at the end on my severed limb. It was the easiest, and only, way to keep it attached to my body.

"Well, I don't feel the pain. Considering I don't feel my damn leg." I said bluntly, sitting up slowly from my resting position. "So, should I try to walk? Or should I take it easy?"

"TAKE IT EASY, OBVIOUSLY! You just woke up from, basically, a coma and you already want to walk?! Sweet Celestia!" Twilight shouted.

"I did not realize my name was used for common phrases." A strangely familiar voice said from behind Twilight.

Twi and I both knew EXACTLY who had said that. We both slowly turned our attention to pony who now stood behind Twilight.

An alicorn mare, who had a white coat of fur with a light blue, light green and pink colored, flowing mane and tail.

"P-princess Celestia...?" I stuttered out.

The alicorn turned her attention to me. She smiled warmly. "Hello, Jacob Frost."

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