Chapter 2

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That night I stayed by Colleen and we watched the movie. I felt my hand go to hers a couple of times but then it got hit away but her girlishness. Later I got tired so I went home with sign of relief. On my way back it was like 6am and I saw this own really old woman smoking which looked to me like. I felt really cold. And I felt loopy. Loopy and poopy. I got to my house and I snuck in through the back door but Doug gets up really early so he asked me
"Brobby were you drinking?"
"No Doug! I have to get back to my room before mom finds out I was gone so can you please move. I tiptoed down the hallway of my house into my room we're it was very quite. I unlocked the door. But as I opened the door I saw my mom in her pajamas standing at the door. One more life lesson: When you come home at 6am your mom will not look happy. She started up with her big yell.
"I was worried sick! Where in the hell were you! I was standing at this door for three fricken hours! You fool!"
"Umm I was stepping in dog poop outside. Duh." I said.
"Oh sure you were now you get in this room and your stay in here until you behave!" She yelled.
"Fine! I hope you know that I was in your bathroom yesterday and I stepped on all of your make up products."
I had to sit in my dang room all day so go figure I might as well get used to it. So I did what I did and I stared out the window. But their was this huge tree that was blocking my view of Everything. So I imaged something. That I was on top of the branch in front of the whole city. But then I just had to think of the cons that could happen while I was on that tree. One. I try to stand on the branch fall off hit my face break my leg and be ugly for the rest of my life. Two. The branch would break and I would land on my roof and break it fall through the living room and see my moms reaction to all that. Three. Fall and then break a window and then see my moms reaction. Four. Climb to the top of the tree yell "hello!". But then he thought of something. He could go on a road trip with Colleen and just chill. So I escaped from my window and I went over to Colleen's. I saw this one man through an apartment window lick the tv when Hilary Clinton was on. I started walking and thinking to myself. Does Colleen really want to date me? Do I really get deep fried pickles for dinner? Then I stopped thinking about that. It was like a 3 block walk from my house to Colleen's. I was worried that my mom was going to be a crazy mom and call the police. But it didn't look like she did. I wanted some food and I was still blocks away from Colleen's house. So I went into a random persons house went through the back door to get some food. Lucky for me the family that lived their was eating breakfast at the time so the old Grandma chased me out the door  blowtorch. Luckily for me the Grandma was slow so I could put run her. I ran through backyards quickly to get to Colleen's house. One of the backyards had a guard dog so it chase me on the road and that little British female dog bite me right in the fingers. Just as I thought that was enough this one man from across the street came out of his house started yelling cursing at me like a sailor. Then my new Principal from my school came out of his house to see what was all the fuss. I couldn't tell really but from a far distance he was wearing skinny jeans and a tank top. Not a bro tank. A tank top. This was all so bad. But my luck struck once again when I saw a car pull up right beside me and guess who it was. My mother. When that window rolled down I felt like Hilary Clinton when she was caught deleting emails. My mother out of all the people to catch me. She started off with.
"You escaped!! How dare you mess with my rules you get in the car right this insant!"
"No mom. I'm going to Colleen's house weather you like it or not. Your punishments are stupid. One time you made me stay inside my room all day for putting my fingers in the peanut butter!" I yelled.
"You didn't just put your fingers in the peanut butter. You stole Kayla's prom dress and pretend like you were a girl. You put on her make up."
I interrupted her thier.
"I had to steal her make up because you don't wear any. But I do recommend putting make up over that mole of yours." I said.
"You get in the car now!" She yelled.
But I didn't hesitate I started running again. I ran through the park. I went through the back woods of the park in the way way back. I wasn't really thinking when I sat down. I was their for an hour then I stung up and my butt was covered in mud. So I just ran to Colleen's house. I could have gotten lost for all I know. I skipped through a couple of houses then I saw Colleen's little house. In the backyard of the neighbors they have a garden so I wanted to pick Colleen some flowers. I picked five different colors and I thought this outta steal Colleen's heart. But this one cat at their house scratched me until I dropped about four flowers but I was lucky to make it over the fence. I was all dirty and ragged but when I got to Colleen's house with one rose in my hang stud still rung the doorbell and hoped for the best. When Colleen answers the door she was standing there with another man. Colleen started off with.
"Hi James. Meet my new boyfriend. Joshua."

Hi. So Chapter 3 may be up a little late because I'm going on a 2 night flies trip see ya Readers

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