Getting Married-Richard Armitage

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Eavan's P.O.V.-

"I'm home!" Richard called out, as he walked into the house.

I smiled and waited in the living room as he came in. I was currently sitting on the couch reading The Hobbit for the 1000th time. And the fact that Richard was portraying my absolute favorite character made things even more interesting.

"What're you reading?" He asked, as he sat down next to me.

"The Hobbit." I responded, looking over at him.

"Again?" He smiled at me and I nodded my head. I went back to reading and then I heard him sigh. "I actually have some bad news."

I closed my book and shifted in my seat to look at him. "What is it?"

"We're going to have to postpone the wedding."

"What? Why?"

"I got the call today and I have to go back to New Zealand to film The Battle of the Five Armies the day of the wedding." He explained.

I honestly didn't know what to say to that. Peter had assured us that the week after our wedding he would have to go back and film, but I guess things change. And the worst part is, the wedding itself is in two weeks.

"But didn't Peter assure us that this wouldn't happen?" I asked him.

"He kept apologising when we were on the phone. He said that the dates for everything were wrong and that in order to make it all up and have the movie out on time, we'd have to start filming the day of the wedding." He explained.

I stood up and headed into the kitchen. This just couldn't be happening. Out of all the things that could possibly go wrong on our wedding day, this would happen to be the worst one.

"I know you're upset and I'm upset too, but there's nothing either of us can do about it." Richard said, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I took a deep breath and then let it out. "I know. But this is our wedding we're talking about! You only get one!"

"I know. I know. Maybe we could push it back a year. I know that's not what we had planned, but I'm sure everyone will understand."

"That's what happened last time."

"I know. But what else can we do?"

"Nothing." I sighed and turned to look at him. "You just worry about the movie. I'll worry about the wedding."

"We're in this together, honey. I'm not going to let you re-plan the whole things by yourself."

"Yes you are. I can handle it. Besides, your mom's here to help, as is mine. I have it under control." I pecked his lips. "Now, when do you leave?" 


"Then you need to go get packed."


"No not probably. It's a yes. You have to go get packed. Now go." I pushed him towards the stairs and he eventually gave in and went to pack, while I went ahead and planned a surprise he would never forget.

~Three Weeks Later~

I had just arrived in New Zealand and I was about to surprise Richard with our wedding. I convinced Peter to give the whole cast and crew a day off from filming so we could get married. I had found a nice little spot that we could get married at and Peter found a place to hold the reception, which was very nice of him. And the best part, Richard had no idea I was even here.

The minute I arrived at the hotel, which wasn't very far from the cite of the wedding or the studio, which is super nice. Peter picked us up from the airport and took us to the hotel, which was again, very nice of him to do. When he dropped us off, I gave him a note to give to Richard and told him to have him open it and read it in front of everyone, which everyone knew except him.

The next morning, I got dressed and ready to go. I was shaking so bad that I thought I was going to drop the flowers on the way down the isle. But, luckily I didn't.

"You ready? Richard's already here and so is everyone else." My mom asked me, when she came into the hotel room.

"Totally." I responded, walking over to her. "Thank you for helping me do this."

"No problem sweetheart. You and Richard are perfect for each other and surprising him with this, is one of the most rewarding things ever." My mom kissed my hand and we walked down to the ceremony, where my dad and I link arms.

"You look beautiful." He commented.

I gave him a smile and then the music came on, signalling that it was our turn to walk down the isle. The minute my eyes connected with Richard's, we both smiled and I could see a few tears roll down his cheeks.

My dad handed me off to Richard, and the priest began the ceremony. It went by pretty quickly and then we said our vows. We both had written our own vows and Richard went first.

"Eavan, when I first met you, I was at a loss for words, if you remember, but you, you were so bubbly and energetic, that you didn't even notice. You were just so excited about whatever it was you were talking about, that I decided that I just had to meet you and when I approached you, my brain just stopped working right, but you just kept talking. When I had asked you out on a date, once my brain was functioning again, and you said yes, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but then you gave me your number, and that's when I realised that my mind wasn't playing tricks. That this was real. Not even two dates later, I knew I wanted to marry you, and when I finally asked you nearly a two years ago, and you said yes, it was a dream come true. I can't even begin to imagine what my life would be like without you and I don't ever want too." He paused for a moment. "I love you."

Everyone there awed and I had a few tears rolling down my face. He wiped them away for me and I took a minute to regain my composure before saying my vows.

"You are one of the most stubborn people I know, but honestly, I wouldn't change that for the world. You are the sweetest man I have ever met and the day we met, I honestly thought I was going to freeze up and not be able to say anything, but luckily enough, I didn't. I was so surprised when you asked me out on a date, but that date was one of the best dates I had ever been on. But when you asked me to marry you, I couldn't believe it. I honestly couldn't have been more excited than I was in that moment, because I was going to marry my best friend and the one person that always makes me feel better, even when I'm in one of the worst moods possible. You manage to put up with me and I don't know how you do it, but you do and I can't help but love you even more when you do. I love you Richard."

Everyone awed again and then we turned to the priest. "Do you, Richard, take Eavan to be you're lawfully wedded wife? In sickness and in health? In good times and bad?"

"I do."

"Do you, Eavan, take Richard to be your lawfully wedded husband? In sickness and in health? In good times and bad?"

"I do."

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Richard moved forward and cupped my face, and then kissed me. I just married my best friend.

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