Interview-Michael Fassbender

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So I'm bumping up X-Men first class to being filmed in 2007, cause that's how all of this will make sense for being in 2017.

Michael's P.O.V.-

"So, today I have Mr. Michael Fassbender with me." The interviewer said, introducing me. "Thanks for coming out."

"Thanks for having me." I responded.

"You just finished filming Alien Covenant and it comes out in a few days. How are you feeling about that?" He asked me.

"Pretty good. It was pretty amazing to come in and film something like that. I've never filmed a movie like that before and it was pretty amazing to be apart of." I answered.

He asked a few more questions before finally getting to the questions that everyone had been wanting answers to. "Alright, so you're turning 41 this year. How does that make you feel?"

"It honestly doesn't feel like I'm turning 41 at all and I'm kind of surprised by that."

"And you've been married for how many years now?"

"Well, my wife will be 30 this year and we got married when she was 8 years now. We've been married for 8 years and to be honest, it doesn't feel like it's been 8 years. If anything it's more like 8 months." I answered, thinking it all through.

"How many kids do you two have now?" He questioned.

"We have 5 kids now."

"What are their names and how old are they?" He asked.

"Our oldest is Emma and she's going to be 14 next month. Our second oldest is James Patrick and he just turned 7. Next is Ian Michael and he's 5. Then we have two daughters after that, Evangeline, who is 3 and then Esme, and she's almost 2." I answered.

"Wow. How does your wife do it?"

"I'm not sure, but however she does it, I applaud her."

"What's your wife's name again?"

"Isabella Fassbender. She's formally known as Isabella McAvoy, James McAvoy's little sister."

"So you married one of your best mates sister?"

"Yeah." I gave a small smile at the memory of meeting her.

"James!" Someone screamed, running onto set and towards James.

He turned around and I could see him smile at whoever it was running towards him. When she finally stopped, they were hugging each other. That's when it hit me. James had said his little sister was coming to set today to do some interviews and some behind scenes look for her YouTube channel.

"It's been way to long Is. How's Emma?" He asked, pulling away from her.

"She's pretty good. With Shay right now, seeing as how he couldn't come anyways." I heard her explain.

"Right. How is he?"

"Getting his marriage license this week. He's super excited about it all."

"As he should be."

"Anyways..." She trailed off.

"Michael! Time for your scene!" The director shouted, pulling me out of my daze.

I stood up from my chair and walked over towards where they needed me. The make-up girl did some quick touch up and then they 'fixed' my jacket. I scanned the people watching and noticed the girl next to James. She looked so young, but then again, from what James has told me, she's only 20.

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