Pleasure to Meet You-Tom Hardy

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Isabella's P.O.V.-

"Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to the newest cast member for the Avengers movie, Isabella Jacobs!" Brittney announced.

I took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage, waving to everyone as I walked to my seat between Chris Evans and Tom Hiddleston.

"Welcome to comic con Isabella!" Brittney said.

"Thank you! I'm super excited to be here this weekend!" I responded.

"Alright. Before we start, I would love it if you could give us a little known fact about you that no one really knows, since you're so new to the cast." Brittney said, looking over at me.

"Ummm....a little known fact? Alright." I took a minute to think of something interesting. "Okay. I was born in London, England, and I was raised there when my family wasn't traveling." I said.

"Really? Then why don't you have the accent, if you don't me asking."

"I don't mind. I don't really have a thick British accent because we travelled a lot, so the only time I was exposed to it heavily was when we were home in London during the holidays. So, I don't have a heavy accent like everyone else does. Although, when I certain words, you can tell I'm British." I explained. "And you guys are the first to hear that because IMDB doesn't even know that little tidbit of information."

"Sounds good! Let's begin talking about the movie!"

We discussed the movie for majority of the panel, but the last 20 minutes got shifted to more personal questions and even some DC vs. Marvel questions. And the minute DC got brought up, everyone looked at me.

"So, I just noticed that everyone here is looking at you Isabella. Can you please explain why?" Brittney asked.

"So, in July that new Batman movie is coming out and I've seen the other two, so I'll be going and seeing that one, but the reason everyone is looking at me is because I have a slight crush on a certain someone playing in the movie." I explained, blushing a little.

"Slight crush? This girl here loves this certain someone. Not like creepy love. I mean, like, she loves his acting skills and if she ever met this person, she'd probably be star struck to the point that she would just run away." Chris Evans said, making me blush a little more.

"And who is this certain someone?" Brittney asked. "You don't have to tell us if you don't want to." She added on.

"No it's fine." I took a deep breath and then let it out. "I have a crush on Tom Hardy. He's just a really good actor and Chris is right about me when it comes to the idea of meeting him. I would probably freak out and run." I explained. "And for those of you who don't know who Tom Hardy is, go home and look him up. He's a fantastic actor." I said, directing it at the audience.

"What drew you to him?" Brittney questioned.

"His eyes." I said, extremely quickly.

"What was it about his eyes?"

"They're this beautiful blue colour and when I first watched him in a movie, his eyes held so much emotion that I just couldn't help but be sucked into them. When you're watching the movie, his eyes are an open book and you can see every emotion he has in them, which I find absolutely amazing. You don't see that much anymore, and personally, it just amazes me. Every time I watch him in a movie, I still get shocked at how much emotion his eyes reveal." I rambled, going beet red when I finished.

"Wow. That was an amazing answer." Brittany checked her watch and then looked back out over the audience. "Well, that's the end of this panel today guys. Go see Avengers in theatres May 4! Have a nice day!" She said.

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