Lillian Ambrose-Finn Balor: Part One

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Obviously I've changed a few things for story purposes. Enjoy!

"I haven't missed a single episode since you joined

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"I haven't missed a single episode since you joined." A young girl said to me as I signed her poster. "You're my favourite diva!"

I smiled up at her and handed her the poster back. "I'm happy to hear that. Would you like a picture?" I asked her.

"I can have one?" She questioned, seeming shocked by my question.

"Of course!" I said, smiling at her. "Come here." I motioned her to stand next to me, as my 'bodyguard' took our picture together.

"Thank you so much!" She said, turning and running off in excitement.

I shook my head and laughed a little before resuming my signing. After I finished all of that, I was pulled off by Renee for a pre-show interview. This would be my first show back from my injury.

"I'm here with Lillian Ambrose, who is returning to WWE after being out on injury for the last 4 months. How are you feeling about your match tonight?" She asked me.

"I'm feeling really good about it actually. I'm completely ready to get back into the ring and fight. But most importantly, I'm ready to get revenge on Seth Rollins for that he did to me." I answered.

"How exactly do you plan on doing that?" She questioned.

"For me to know, and for WWE to find out." I gave her a smile and then walked off.
I went to catering, where I found my brother sitting with Roman. I walked over and stood in between the two of them.

"What's up boys?" I asked.

Roman looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Lil." He greeted, standing up and wrapping me into a big bear hug.

"Hi Ro." I smiled, burying my face into his neck.

Roman was like a brother to me. He's been there since the start of my career and he's a giant teddy bear, especially to his daughter.
Roman set me down and Dean wrapped me up into a hug as well. The thing is, Dean is my actual brother. He's crazy, but 100% my brother.

"Hey Dean."

"How's my baby sister?" He asked, giving me a smile.

"I'm good. Great actually. Ready to get some revenge." I said, sitting down next to Roman.

"Aren't we all." Roman muttered.

"Who are you going up against tonight?" I asked him, not yet knowing who he was fighting.

"Some new kid. Finn Balor I believe it is." He told me.

"Who is he?" I wondered.

"He's from NXT. Longest reigning champ. Apparently he's really good."

"I'm sure you can beat him. I believe in you Ro."

"Thanks baby girl." He said, standing up and kissing my head. "I will see you later. Good luck tonight on your match."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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