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List of Avia's Powers:

Enhanced Flexibility, Innate combat, 360 Degree Vision, Death Vision, Astral Projection, Cloaking, Light Manipulation, and Age Manipulation.

Avia's P.O.V.-

'Dang, girl, look at you

Stopping me in my boots
What's a country boy to do, but say
Uh uh

Stop beating my chest up
You're down right dangerous
That shake got me gitty up
Got my eyes what what'

I sang along as I got ready for my date tonight. I was swishing around my room, trying on different dresses and trying to figure out what I wanted to wear. I heard my bedroom door open and then shut. I spun around and saw Logan standing by my door. I paused my music and smiled at him.

"What're you doing here?" I asked, hanging all the dresses back up in my closet.

"Just wondering what you were doing." He said, laying down on my bed.

I rolled my eyes at him and picked up another dress. I sighed and heard Logan laugh. I turned and faced him, seeing him smoking one of his cigars. "I can't decide what I want to wear tonight." I told him.

"Who are you even going out with?" He asked.

"Someone." I mumbled, trying not to tell him. I grabbed one of my dresses and went to the bathroom to try it on. When I came out, Logan was still sitting there. "What about this one?" I asked him.

 "What about this one?" I asked him

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"No." He said, flatly. I groaned and grabbed another one to try on, just for him to say no again and again and again. He didn't like any of the dresses I had tried on.

"Logan..." I whined. "you're not helping me."

"Who are you even going out with anyways?" He asked, sitting up on my bed. "Besides, it shouldn't matter what you look like. All that matters is that whoever it is taking you out likes you for you and not what you're wearing."

"His name is Daniel, okay? He asked me when I was at the mall the other day and I said sure." I explained, grabbing the 8th dress I tried on.

"Avia, what do you even know about this guy? Does he know you're a mutant?" Logan asked, getting off the bed and coming over to me.

"No he doesn't. And for right now, I'd like to keep it that way, okay?" I went back into my bathroom and put the dress back on. I fixed my hair and my makeup, before walking back out to my room.

"Do you plan on telling him?" Logan asked, as he sat on the edge of the bed.

"Why does it matter?" I snapped slightly. "It's my personal life, Logan. It's about what I want, not what you want."

"I'm just trying to protect you Avia. I'm trying to make sure you don't get hurt." He explained.

"Logan, it's not your life, okay? Just leave me alone." I snapped, grabbing my purse and shoes and leaving the room.

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