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dear ever,

i never liked capitalizing letters so i'm sorry if you'll find this annoying, you english boy. do you remember the day we met? the day we saw each other for the first time? maybe you won't but i remember, crystal clear. maybe it's a girl thing, i don't know, i've never been a boy so you tell me. do you remember the details of our first encounter? because i do.

It was the start of freshman year. We were attending the annual welcome party hosted by our college, to somewhat welcome the newbies and celebrate the successes of our seniors.

I was sitting at the table outside near the decorative Christmas tree, playing with my phone, bored out of my mind in this party. I never really liked parties, all kinds of parties from birthdays, weddings, teenage parties, and even baby showers. I've never been a fan of them and I'm not gonna start now. But why am I here? That thought came across my head and I know you were probably dying to ask me the same thing. But you didn't, instead you were just looking at me. English boy you were so obvious, can't your stare be more subtle? I felt like I was gonna melt with your laser eyes. I didn't know you then, so I labeled you as a creep in my head—the creep who wore our school ID to a party. But you knew me, didn't you? Your eyes looked at me so softly as if we met before, as if we had history.

"What's a beautiful girl doing here outside in this cold weather?" you asked. Walking towards me as you touched the cold railing with your bare hand. I didn't know how you tolerated it.

"Just taking a quick breather," I lied.

"You've been here for almost forty-five minutes. I don't know if you know the meaning of quick," you said and then laughed. I looked into your eyes, they were just plain brown. Nothing significant but that warmth and familiarity that's emitting from them got me bewildered. They were just brown, they were ordianary but they were beautiful.

"How did you know?" I asked, "Were you staring at me?" I acted shocked as if I haven't noticed him stare.

"It was a beautiful sight, how can I not?"

"Is this your way of flirting? Too cliché," I scoffed and then shifted my gaze to my best friend who was now doing a body shot.

"It's my way of complimenting you, thank you very much," you smiled at me and your dimples became more evident. As for your eyes, well they were smiling too. I didn't know if they were smiling just because or they were smiling for me. You have ways to win a girl over in just a few seconds maybe that's why you had all the girls falling for you.

"Those kind of pick up  lines are not gonna work on me, I'm not gonna hook up with you," I unknowingly said out loud.

You smiled. My face immediately warmed up, as I scolded myself in my brain. Great, now you think I'm the creep.

"I'm Ever and you are?" you introduced while offering a handshake. I looked at your hand and then your face, I was taking too long to answer and so you took it as a hint that I didn't want to tell my name. You scratched your head and grinned at me. I didn't know if you're dense or you have no where to go, maybe that's why you weren't leaving.

I looked back to the crowd and my eyes immediately found it on my best friend making out with her ex-boyfriend. Oh Bree, you are so gonna regret this later. I stood up and left without a word and you probably thought I was rude. I didn't mind it though, I will probably never see you again. Probably.

"It was nice meeting you Tanisha." you yelled. I looked back at you with a confused daze. How did you know my name?

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