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AN: Hello to all my readers :) Welcome to another story. Updates for this story will be every Saturday and I hope you'll like it. (HTTYD-Mummy AU) LET THE SHOW BEGIN!!!

"Old Norse"



There is a legend which has been told through the ages. As Viking clans relentlessly battled with each other for territory, a lone figure emerged who wanted to stop all the senseless killing. She was a shield maiden of incredible beauty and courage but her pleas for peace fell on deaf ears. Every night she would pray to Odin for a way stop these bloody battles. On the tenth moon Odin spoke to her.

"Greetings warrior of Vikings" Came from above which made the shield maiden jump in shock.

"Who.... Who are you?" The shield maiden asked warily as she gripped a dagger which was at her side. The candle in the room flickered ominously as the moonlight shone into her tiny room.

"Fear ye not, child." The voice now said. "It was you who called for me."

"O...Odin?" The shield maiden asked as she now looked wildly about. "Is... it truly you?"

"Yes child. I have come with a task for you." Odin spoke in a deep voice. "The wars your kinsmen are waging with each other is the fault of a wayward Aesir." The shield maiden's eyes widened upon that.

"O..One of the Gods has come to Midgard?" She now asked tentatively.

"This being, I consider no longer one of us." Odin stated leaving no room for argument. "He has defiled the Halls of Asgard with his thievery for he has stolen my spear Gungnir from its pedestal and is now actively meddling with Midgardian affairs. You have been praying for the senseless bloodshed to stop, yet that can only be achieved by returning Gungnir to Asgard. I would ask you if you were up for the task of retrieving it for me as you are a lady of virtue and courage."

"But Odin, you are the Allfather, surely you could take back what was stolen." The shield maiden asked and then she could hear a sigh.

"I am afraid not child. It was long established that none of the other eight realms would directly meddle with Midgard. You humans must find your own way to the stars to one day join us. However this incident has given me some leeway in Midgardian affairs."

"Allfather, I would gladly take on this task to help you but then how would I defeat someone as powerful as an Aesir?" The maiden now asked. "Mortal men stand no chance."

"I shall bestow upon you mystical items created by the Dwarves of Svartalfheim." Odin said as the area where the moonlight hit her bed began to shine. "First, an amulet of Life, this shall give you the Longevity of an Aesir." Odin stated as a silver amulet on a chain now lay on the maiden's bed. "Second, the arm guards of strength, they shall give you the strength of an Aesir."

The shield maiden looked amazed as the items materialized out of thin air.

"Third, A feather cloak which will give you stealth and an axe that never dulls." Odin said as the beautiful cloak made of swan feathers and an ornate double sided axe appeared. "There is one more item that I shall give you. You cannot fight the wielder of the spear alone and therefore you shall need to gather allies."

The shield maiden gasped as she felt something materialize on her ring finger. When she looked closely she saw that it was an ornate golden ring with intertwining dragons etched into it. The maiden gasped when information on the ring's usage flooded her mind. "This was simply incredible." She said in a low voice as she looked at the ring in awe.

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