Chapter 27

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AN: Helloooo all!!! How's everybody doing? The update is early you think... well I have an exam tomorrow and I won't have any time to update then. Also a few more notes on upcoming stories.

1. Three wishes and you're mine, last chapter will be this weekend.

2. HTTYD-Star wars Arc 3, is being written.

3. Januari and Februari fics are in production as well.

4. POP in on Xmas for a oneshot.

That's all for now folks. ENJOY!!

Chapter 27

They sneaked through the corridors, hiding in alcoves as servants walked by. "We can't keep hiding like this." Fishlegs mumbled as he tried to to squish the three women.

"I hate to agree but I agree." Heather mumbled. "What we need to do is be less conspicuous."

"Girl you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ruffnut asked as they heard another set of feet approaching.

Heather smirked. "Oh I'm thinking just that." She whispered. Fishlegs gulped as he listened to the the two plotting. Once the footsteps had gotten nearer they pushed Meixiu, who was already wearing servant's clothing, out into the hallway as bait. The ladies approached Meixiu who according to Heather was supposed to act lost and clueless. The women who walked passed the alcove were grabbed from behind by Heather, Ruffnut and Fishlegs and dragged into a small unused room.

"Wǒ fēicháng bàoqiàn!" Fishlegs apologized profusely to the women as he kept his eyes closed while Heather and Ruffnut stripped them of their clothing.

"Fish stop apologizing and put on this hanfu!" Ruffnut admonished while chucking some silk garments at him.

"Wait!! Me too?" Fishlegs asked as he blankly looked at the clothes he'd been given.

"Yes you too." Heather hissed. "We didn't strip three people so only two can dress up."

"Right" Fishlegs mumbled while starting to put the clothes on. "How do women even walk in these things?" He asked himself as Heather and Ruffnut had to help him tie the sash properly.

"Here" Meixiu said as she handed the trio each a pair of shoes. She was searching the women and found what she was looking for. Small compacts with makeup in them. "You will also need to change your hairstyles." She told them as she got out the powder.

"Is all this really necessary?" Fishlegs asked as he watched Meixiu do Ruffnut's makeup.

"The Empress will know that you aren't part of her servants if you don't look the part. Your male friends will most likely have been taken to her majesty's harem." The girl explained.

"Harem?" Heather asked as she started applying some of the makeup as well.

"Yes that is where she places all of the young men that she has whisked away from the nearby villages." Meixiu explained. "The men remain completely unresponsive and will only obey the Empress."

"Wait.... What about Fishlegs?" Ruffnut asked now. "He's a man."

Fishlegs blushed before wondering as well as to why he was placed in the dungeons. Meixiu looked a bit hesitant before saying "I do not wish to insult your friend but....... The Empress appears to be quite shallow. She only chose the young good looking men from the villages."

"So...... I'm not harem material because I'm chubby?" Fishlegs asked aloud and then sighed as Meixiu reluctantly nodded. "Hey think of it this way... at least you aren't being controlled by a long dead megalomaniac witch." Heather tried to cheer him up and Fishlegs had a distinct impression that she was censoring her words.

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