Chapter 1

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Clark's POV:

It wasn't meant to turn out this way. I was only trying to help. I have only ever tried to help. But now none of that mattered. It was all over, and there was nothing I could do to save it.
In truth it really only started out as a boring day at The Daily Planet. I was being treated like an idiot, as per usual. Lois was ignoring me, as per usual. And I typed so much that it seemed carpal tunnel was always around the corner. As per usual.

I finished my latest article, titled, Superman Saves Metropolis From Giant Meteor, which captured my heroic actions of the day before just right. I retrieved the rough draft from the printer and got up to hand it to my prick boss Perry White, when I glanced at the reflection in the window to see none other than Lex Luthor staring back at me.

I blinked a couple of times. I was sure that I was seeing things. Instead, my arch nemesis still stood there, a coy grin on his dastardly evil face.

I couldn't just sit idly by and watch this. I needed to take action. My article was going to have to wait.

I lunged at him, my eyes glowing red. Lex was trying to flee, and I wouldn't let that happen. He was running toward the Planet archives, so I shot lasers at the metal filing cabinets in front of him. I hoped that they would land on top of him, but I suppose that would have been too lucky.

They crashed in front of him, and he easily leapt over. This slowed him down a little, so I was able to shorten the gap between us.

Just as I was getting close, he suddenly stopped. I knew that this was a trap.

"Come on over, SuperBoy." His sinister voice sent chills down my spine. He turned and flashed me a wide evil smile as if he were the Joker. "I dare you."

"I do not accept your dare, Lex Luthor."

"Mm. Good for you."

Now I know that he was teasing me. Egging me on, trying to get a rise out of me, and he succeeded. I am ashamed to say that he succeeded.

My anger bubbled out and I roared like a lion, hurling my body at him, making fists and bracing for impact. I wasn't bracing, however, for what he did next.

I saw something green glow out of the corner of my eye, and my stomach dropped.

I felt strength pour out of my body. I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and I let out a yelp. He had hit me with kryptonite.

I heard him escape. I heard his footsteps get quieter and quieter and I tried to stand but I simply couldn't.

"No..." I moaned. "No!"

I slowly rose to my feet. The kryptonite was gone and its effect was wearing off.

I moved as quickly as I could to where I had seen him run off to, but I couldn't find him. I decided that I would take to the skies to get a view.

As I flew, I began to realize everything at stake if I didn't find him. My heart began to beat a little faster with each passing second. I felt my hands begin to shake.

Me? Superman? Shaking?

I never thought I would become so fond of this city. And now I was about to lose it all.

Unsuccessful in finding him, I tried as best I could to use my super hearing to uncover his plans.

I scanned the entirety of Metropolis once more, and as I neared the center, I detected an odd beeping sound.

As I neared closer, it beeped faster. I backed away, it beeped slower.

"Damn you, Lex Luthor!!!!" I shouted into the air.

If I went to defuse the bomb, it would explode. If I simply didn't go near the bomb, it would still explode. There was physically nothing I could do.

Hopeless and afraid, I could see no escape. I landed on the ground again, wracking my brain for a solution, when I heard footsteps from behind.

"Just give up, SuperBoy."


"Just go to it. Put this sorry city out of its misery. Of's not as sorry as Gotham, my next stop...but still."

"I will not!" I bellowed, feeling anger fester inside of me once more.

"Oh...but you will..."

He pulled out the stick of kryptonite again.

I resorted to begging.

"Please...don't do this..."

He laughed in my face.

"Please...these people...they don't deserve this..."

His laughter subsided. "Hmm. I suppose not..."

I didn't like that answer. He was lying.

"...but you do."

With one motion, he tapped the kryptonite against my chest, sending me flying towards the bomb.

It was all over.

I covered my ears with my hands like a child, accepting death. RI wailed in agony as I heard the first blast. My ears rang. My body trembled.

I stared down at Metropolis one last time.

At least when I died, I would be just like them.

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