Chapter 5

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Clark's POV:

Bruce's words comforted me. I was embarrassed because I was acting like a child crying like this, but he made me feel better.

"Now come on," Bruce started. "Let's get you outta here."

"But...I can't leave..." I replied, confused.

"So? We can do a bunch of stuff in a house. We videogames...we a movie...umm..."

"And that's about it, huh?" I said with a laugh.

Bruce seemed pleased to see me smile. "Yeah, but it's a start. So...COD or Overwatch?"

" play Overwatch?!" I exclaimed, a little louder than anticipated.

"I guess that means you do, too." He responded, and ushered me into the hallway.

"Who's your main?" I asked him, trying very hard not to fanboy in front of him.

"Uhh I dunno. I play McCree quite a lot. Maybe some Reaper...but they nerfed him, he's kind of useless now."

"Ooh! In the recent update they're gonna fix that, they're gonna make him strong again except I think they're nerfing Roadhog's chain because it literally goes like a kajillion miles." I said, not even taking a breath in between words.

"Huh." Bruce said, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to...I'm...sorry." I apologized, embarrassed. I felt myself blush again.

"Oh. It's okay. I'm more of a nerd then you'd expect. I fanboy like that all the time."

"Really?" I asked, feeling better. "About what?"

Bruce smirked and leaned in close. My stomach dropped as I looked into his soft brown eyes.

"You ever watch the show Leverage?"

"Oh! I love that show!" I exclaimed, and we sat in front of the television.

He rambled about his show while he turned on the Xbox and the game.

"Who's your favorite character? Mines probably Hardison because he is like the comical relief in the show, and his romance with Parker is like literally the cutest thing I've seen in my entire lifetime, and...oh...I'm doing it too, aren't I?"

"Yes." I responded. "Yes, you are."

"I guess we're both geeks, huh?" Bruce said, and winked at me.

I wasn't sure why, but when he winked at me, I couldn't seem to think straight after.

My mind constantly replayed the moment again and again, and suddenly I could feel something inside of me change.

Bruce handed me my controller. Our fingers touched and my heart skipped a beat.

What the hell was happening?

I shook the feeling off and decided to focus on the game. We both chatted about it and nerded out, and I very much appreciated the company. I wasn't used to it.

Once again, I had forgotten the reason for my being there at all. Except this time, the thought didn't cross my mind for the rest of the day.

"Hey, Clark, my Ultimate is ready. Cover me while I go in, we're losing the point." Bruce said, focused on the game. I glanced over at him. His chocolate eyes narrowed slightly at the screen, an amused smirk painted his face. He bit his lip as he fiercely mashed the buttons on his Xbox controller.

I bit my own lip to keep from smiling creepily. My foot began to tap involuntarily out of nervousness. My palms began to sweat and my fingers began to tremble on the controller.

I couldn't let him see, so I wiped them on my pants, took a deep breath and kept on.

I followed his order to cover him, and eventually led him to victory. He even got the Play of the Game.

"Whoa! Seven kills?! Nice!" I exclaimed, raising my hand for a high five.

He returned the gesture and the match ended.

"Hey...Bruce?" I asked him, the nervous feeling returning.


"Th-thanks...for doing all of this. For putting up with me y'know? didn't have to do that." I thanked my friend.

"You are very welcome, Clark. Today was fun. And...I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings over at the conference. I was just trying to lift people's spirits. I should've asked you before I did it."

"No, no, it's okay. You had the idea after you'd left. I'm over it now."

Bruce shook his head and shifted his weight towards me.

"It was selfish of me. I was thinking of myself, and...Alfred reminded me what's at stake here. You. And I've never had anybody to laugh or joke fanboy with, other than Alfred. I've just gotten so accustomed to being alone.'re the one who needs to be thanked." Bruce explained, his heartfelt words engraving themselves into my brain.

I couldn't hide the smile this time. "Thank you, Bruce."

"You're welcome, Clark."

We shared a hug and retired into our separate bedrooms.

It wasn't until then that I came back to life. I was reminded of why I was in Bruce's home.

But something else boarded the train of thought as well.

There was something about Bruce.

I had never noticed before, perhaps because of the mask and the dark and brooding soul. But since neither of those things were present, I had seen a much different side of him. And I enjoyed this side's company very much.

I decided to stop ignoring the truth.

Either I'm crazy,

Or I have a crush on Batman.

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