Chapter 13

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Bruce's POV:

My heart pounded as Jim and I raced to the bomb site. I cringed as I stepped over remains of victims and first responders.

The police hadn't even been here. Not a single strip of caution tape to be found.

The impact point was nothing but a gaping hole in the ground. Before Jim could stop me, I was already descending.


"Yeah!" I called, already halfway down.

" careful. I'll, uh...look up here, I guess."

The hole looked virtually empty. Debris and charred severed limbs caked the ground.

I suddenly felt the need to vomit.

Looking away, I tried my best to see around the carnage and see anything relevant.

I found bits and pieces of a newspaper. The Daily Planet. That name rang a bell. I knew what it was, but for some reason it felt relevant.

Then, it hit me like a brick.


He worked there! The blast site! It was his job...Luthor had gone for him personally.

I began to beat myself up for not questioning him while I could. He could have told me this.

I searched for more remains of the newspaper. I was able to put a few things together. It was an article...about himself? I read what pieces were left.

Superman - Hero or Villain?
Written by: Clark Kent

The entire title was legible. There was another name under Clark's but I couldn't quite make it out. I knew he wouldn't have written a negative article about himself on his own accord. At least before the Luthor situation anyway.

I called for Jim and he ran over. I brought out what I had found and the two of us looked over the paper.

"God...hero or villain? And this was before the blast? This Clark guy must have had beef with Superman or something."

I shrugged. I supposed that I would have to figure that part out on my own. Jim was trustworthy, but I couldn't reveal Clark's identity without his approval.

"Here's what I could piece together: '...evening at seven thirty, Superman saved an entire flight...' It cuts out there. And then in this piece, it reads, 'immediately afterward, Superman disappeared for six days until stopping a robbery. Then leaving again for entire months.'"

Jim furrowed his brow. Hopefully his own opinion of Clark wasn't being misconstrued.

He continued reading. "Other crimes happened between this time. Why would he leave?"

I shook my head. Perhaps it was Clark's boss or supervisor making him write this? I was beginning to wonder about his absences, though.

Other extremely incriminating things were sprawled throughout the article.

We discovered that this was published exactly one day before the attack. And then, the wind began to blow.

We managed to recover the pieces, but some of them were flipped over. Red spray paint covered the back of the pieces.

After several minutes of putting together this puzzle, Jim and I are able to clearly read the words "Luthor is coming." And a phone number.

My heart began to race.



We looked at each other in shock.

Jim took a few pictures on a Kodak camera and shoved it back into his jacket pocket.

"Man. You know you're real suspicious."

My stomach dropped. "Uh...what do you mean?" I asked him.

"You are friends with this guy. And you support him fully. When he has a record of disappearing after attacks. I mean...once is fine, but...I dunno."

I sighed and chose my words carefully.

"He is my friend. I know him. He is not involved."

"You trust him." Jim said, a little clearer.

"I...I do. With my life."

Jim smiled at me and pat my shoulder before walking back towards his car.

"You should be more careful about that word. Trust. Until you find out from Clark the truth about those mysterious absences, I'm not sure I'm comfortable working with you on this case."

I was at a loss for words. I could do nothing but watch his car drive away out of the rubble until it was out of view.

I took a deep breath and took the evidence to the disguised batmobile. I was completely out of ideas on what to do.

Would I return home and face an angry Clark, only to explain to him the situation and make him feel worse? Or would I just go it alone to spare him at my own expense?

I wracked my brain for an answer until the migraine completely overtook my thoughts. I saw Clark and Alfred's faces. They both looked...disappointed. Then I remembered what Alfred always told me. He wouldn't be very happy if I went forward alone.

I came to a conclusion after several more minutes of pondering. I would have to go back.

No matter what anybody would say. I couldn't do this by myself anymore. If Clark isn't able to help, Jim could, but only if he knows who Superman truly is.

But I wasn't sure whether or not Clark would be able to give up that secret quite yet.

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