Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry for updating was my sister's birthday today so we went to Universal :D I only just got back lmaoooo

Enjoy! :3

Clark's POV:

I woke with a start, my heart pounding wildly. I glanced at the clock. Noon. And another nightmare. What this one had brought to attention had completely slipped my mind.

I remembered Luthor's words...he had said that Gotham was going to be his next stop.

I had to warn Bruce.

I had felt bad about ghosting Bruce that morning, but with the budding feelings that I realized I was beginning to have, and everything going on in my mind, I didnt want to let anything rude or accidentally flirtatious slip out of my mouth.

I took a deep breath and exited the room. The kitchen and living room were empty. So was the dining room, and every guest bedroom. The gym, the pool, everything. Empty.

Being alone in such a huge house made me feel very uncomfortable, and small. Just when the walls began to close in, I heard a soothing English voice ease my anxiety.

"Good morning, sleepyhead."

I chuckled and greeted him in return.

"Where's Bruce?" I asked, already feelimg better.

" in the Batcave. I understand that you've never been inside it before."

I became instantly intrigued. "Oh! If...he doesn't want me to go in, thats fine. I just would like to--"

"--No, Clark." Alfred interrupted. "Master Bruce told me to tell you where he was. I could only assume that he would want you to go in."

I grinned and tried to hide my excitement. "Then take me to him."

Alfred nodded and led the way. There was a glint in his eye, one that I couldn't quite read. I hoped that he hadn't noticed my schoolgirlish behavior towards my friend.

When we arrived, I could feel my nerves on edge. It was so dark, and full of random gadgets. I didn't know that there would be actual bats here either...

"Hello, Clark." Said Bruce, Typing away at his giant computer, not even looking up at me.

"Hey, look, I need to talk to you." I said straight to the point, and sped over to him.

"About?" Bruce asked.

I looked over at Alfred, and then back to Bruce. "...a-alone...please..."

Bruce nodded at his butler and he left in a hurry.

I took a deep breath and began.

"Well, first off...I...I wanted to apologize for the way I acted this morning. I didn't mean to be rude, I just had a lot on my mind. I hope I didnt hurt you..."

Bruce's iron expression began to loosen. "It's alright Clark. I get it. This is really hard, I know."

"Yes, but...I didn't mean it and I feel really horrible."

"I know you do. I can tell." His face got serious again. "And I can also tell, that there's something else on your mind as well.

I began to tremble, and prepared to tell Bruce the rest of what I needed to tell him.

"In Metropolis...Luthor had, um...mentioned...that...he was going to be coming to Gotham..."

I watched as Bruce's face filled with anger and panic. "What?! When?! Why?!"

"I-I-I dont know, a-all I know is that he had said that Gotham would be his next stop, and...and I can't believe that I had forgotten about this and I'm really sorry and I'm going to get us all killed just like then! Just like Metropolis! A-and they're gonna blame me again and you'll be in trouble and I dont know what we're gonna do!" I could feel myself going under, the panic attack rising beneath me. I hadn't had anxiety until Metropolis, and it was quite frankly ruining my life.

"Hey, hey, Clark. Clark, shh." Bruce stopped me, walking over to me and resting his hand on my shoulder. He massaged it a little, bringing a blush to my cheeks.
"It's going to be alright, I promise. I am going to be here for you."

He brought his face closer to mine, and stared into my eyes. "I will not give up on you." Bruce said sweetly. "I would rather die."

I felt tears welling up in my eyes, and soon I felt the warm streaks cascading down my cheeks.
"Thank you, Bruce...s-so much..."

I stared into his caring eyes, and watched as they saddened to see me weep like I was. Bruce wiped my face like a mother drying the tears of her child.

As I continued to gaze at him, I felt my senses give way. My stomach filled with butterflies, and my cheeks and neck became a deep red. My palms sweat heavily and I began to feel lightheaded.

I came to a realization as Bruce was holding me for what seemed like a thousand years.

I wanted to kiss him.

I wanted to kiss him so bad.

I knew that I couldn't, and that hurt me even worse.

I sniffled and he let go of me.

"Don't worry about a thing, Clark. I have got your back. You just have to let me have it."

I nodded and got myself together. I apologized profusely about my childish behavior yet again. Bruce wrote it off, saying that it was okay, and that I needed to be easier on myself.

We left the Batcave and headed up into the dining room, where Alfred had prepared us our lunch. We were both shocked to find out that we had spent hours in the cave.

"What's for lunch, Alfred?" Bruce asked, pulling out a chair for me before sitting down himself.
It was the little things like that that drove me crazy. I had to take a deep breath to keep myself from swooning.

"I've prepared a tomato mozzerella panini with a broccoli cheddar soup." Alfred presented his cooking with a smile on his face.

It smelled divine. I took one bite out of the sandwich, and almost squealed. "This is excellent, Alfred!" I exclaimed. Bruce concurred, and continued to eat his meal.

Alfred sat down himself and ate next to Bruce.
"It's like the one at Panera, except better!" I continued to rave about the cooking.

Bruce and I chatted about various things, while Alfred mostly kept quiet. I wanted to inquire about what was on his mind, but I didn't want to get into his business.

When lunch was finished, Bruce and I retreated to the living room.

Bruce threw a controller at me and turned on the Xbox.

"We'll see if you can beat seven kills." He said slyly as he slunk into the sofa next to me.

"We'll see, Bruce. We'll see."

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