Chapter 9

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As Clark was tending to Alfred, who was refusing to take his medicine, I retreated to the Batcave. I wanted to look more into the Luthor situation, but I didn't want to worry Clark any more.

I sat down at the Batcomputer and wracked my brain for what to do. Since I couldn't consult Alfred, I would need to ask somebody else. Somebody mature that I could trust.

Then a lightbulb went off in my head.

Commissioner Gordon.

My fingers sped on the keyboard, typing out a message to him.

Dear Jim,

I am currently in the midst of a tough situation at the moment. I am unsure of what to do, and Alfred is not well so I am refusing to bother him with it. It would be much easier to show you than to try to explain here, so I would like you to come to Wayne Manor. Please write me back asap so we can agree on a time and a place.


Bruce Wayne
Wayne Enterprises

As I was proofreading the message, I heard footsteps echo throughout the cave.

I jumped and sent the message in a hurry, then put the computer to sleep and swiveled around in my chair to meet Clark's suspicious deep blue eyes.

"What was that?" He asked me, raising his brow.

" know, business deals for Wayne Enterprises, all that...boring stuff..." I internally facepalmed at my response. Clark was no fool. He would immediately catch on to the lie and likely have a panic attack once he realized what I was doing.

Instead, however, he simply just shook his head, thankfully not pressing the issue, and spun around.

"It's okay if you were watching porn!" He shouted back to me.

My face immediately began to burn. "W-what?! No!!"

Clark laughed and looked at me as he left the room. "Well it's either that, or you're lying to me, and I am going to keep telling myself that you would never do that. So porno it is."

The door shut and I felt my heart sink. He knew I was lying and felt hurt by it.

I buried my head in my hands and sighed as a message popped up on the Batcomputer.

Dear Bruce,

Believe it or not, I actually have all the free time in the world. By the tone of your message I would assume you would like this meeting to be held in secrecy. How's midnight sound?

Jim Gordon

I immediately typed a response in agreement. We decided that I would wait outside for him so he wouldn't have to ring the doorbell, and then I would let him in and I would explain everything.

Now all that was left to do was wait.

Clark's POV:

Waiting for Bruce to come out of the Batcave felt like I was sitting on the couch for several eternities.

I didnt know if I should ask him for the truth or let it be.

My imagination began to go, and I imagined different scenarios of what he could have really been doing.

He could be talking to the media, telling them what they want to hear.


Bruce would never do that.

He could be planning an assault on Luthor without telling me, going out alone in the dark, in danger.

I shuddered. I didn't want to think about what Luthor would do to him.

He could be talking to somebody he knows. Maybe a friend or...a possible more than friend?

This thought made my heart sink.

This was likely the answer. He was probably straight. I was just going to have to get over him, wasn't I?

As I pondered this, I heard the front door open and shut.

"Clark!" He exclaimed, and jogged over to me.

I looked up at him. His chocolate eyes danced around the room. He looked nervous about something.

This, of course, made me nervous too.

"What is wrong, Bruce?" I asked, feeling a migraine begin to knock at the back of my head.

"'s...complicated, Clark, just...can we not talk about that right now?"

I sighed and stood up. "Fine. I guess it's none of my business anyways, huh?"

Bruce frowned and looked away. "You hungry, Clark?"

Changing the subject, are we?

"Sure, yeah, I guess." I said, annoyed.

Bruce shuffled into the kitchen, still visibly upset, and pulled out a frozen pizza from the freezer.

"I went shopping earlier. Is Alfred asleep?" He asked me, unboxing our dinner and tearing the wrapper off.

I nodded and walked over to help him.

An awkward silence filled the house, and we waited.

Bruce and I often cast glances at each other, neither of us saying a word.

Suddenly, the oven time beeped and both of us jumped and exclaimed, "I'm sorry!" simultaneously.

"I...forgive you, Bruce." I said, trying not to look into his eyes. "I...understand that not everything involves me, I...I'm just afraid that I'm going to get you into trouble." I explained, feeling my throat close up.

"Thank you, Clark." Bruce said, and walked in front of me. He stared into my eyes and put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm only looking out for you. I care about you more than you'll ever know."

My voice trembling, I uttered a small and shaky "r-really?"

"Really really." Bruce said with a shy grin, and leaned forward, eyes closed and lips parted.

My heart was beating a mile a minute, I was trembling uncontrollably and my palms were sweaty. This was it. This was where I was going to kiss Bruce Wayne.

But he paused. His cheeks were painted red, and he bit his lip. He laughed nervously and took a step back.

"Do you...smell something burning?" He asked, and after a quick whiff, I concurred.

Suddenly both of our eyes widened and we both hurried over to the oven.

Somehow, we managed to burn a frozen pizza.

Alfred would need to make a speedy recovery sometime soon.

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