Chapter 12

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Alfred's POV:

I could not just sit idly by and watch Bruce treat Clark in this way. It hurt me.

Pulling Clark aside, I took a deep breath and began to speak.

"So...Clark. This is going to sound rather...odd to you. are about to be lied to by Bruce."

Clark furrowed his brow and cocked his head to the side like a confused puppy. " do you know? What is he going to lie about? I don't understand..."

I shook my head and continued. "Bruce is going to Metropolis."

The color slowly faded from Clark's face. He blinked at me, saying nothing.

"He is going to try to tell you that it is a business trip. And I do not want him to get comfortable lying to you, so...I have made the decision to let you know. Do not get angry at him. He still isn't used to trusting people. He even lies to me sometimes and I raised him."

Clark nodded and hung his head. "Thank you...for letting me know, Alfred."

"You are very welcome."

Clark turned away from me and began to slink to his room but I stopped him.

"He is coming now but wait. Come speak with me after he leaves."

He nodded and I snuck away to listen in on their conversation.

It would take all of my willpower to not jump out and intervene. But I knew that Bruce needed to learn this lesson on his own.
Struggling would help him. It always has.


Clark's POV:

As I watched Bruce walk out of the door, I felt myself fill up with emotions.
Worry, confusion, anger, hurt, and a little bit of betrayal.

I couldn't help but think about what else he could have lied to me about. I wanted to trust him but in the moment, I couldn't trust anybody.

I suddenly remembered what Alfred told me before Bruce came, and I went to find him again.

"Clark." He said, hurrying over to my side.

"Hello." I said, trying to keep the dam from breaking.

" sorry for this."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Al. Bruce is the one doing this, not you."

"But...I raised him. Perhaps if I had done something different...perhaps if his real father was here..."

I stopped him there. "Alfred. You did nothing wrong. Bruce is just stubborn. Extremely so. Almost unbearably so."

Alfred chuckled. "Well...I can't deny that much..."

I flashed a fake smile at him before turning away. Clearing my throat to try to suppress the lump in it, I continued the conversation. "So...what did you want to talk to me about?"

Alfred's somber expression suddenly lightened. I hadn't ever seen him like this before.

"What...?" I asked, suspicious.

"I have do I put this... chemistry? Between you and Bruce."

I felt my face begin to burn. I was at a loss for words.


Alfred laughed. "Just because I'm old doesn't mean I don't pick up on these kinds of things."

"I...I never said...that...I...uh..."

"Clark. You have to pursue this. It is beautiful. I have never seen him act this way before."

"But...isn't he straight?"

Alfred laughed out loud. "Did you know he's got Playgirl magazines?"


"Yep. He's had them for years. He thinks I don't know. But I know everything."

I was trying to keep Bruce out of my mind now that he'd willingly put himself in harm's way, but I couldn't fight the butterflies.

"And could you think he's straight after that almost-kiss?"

I blushed again. "Y-you...know about that?"

"Of course I do."


"I have my ways master Clark. I have my ways."

"Then...what do I do? How do I advance without pushing him away? He doesn't trust me enough to even tell the truth about leaving to the place where I was accused of mass murder...I mean...I...I think I should wait until this blows over."

Alfred agreed. "I hope you understand why he did it. I disagree with how we went about it, but he did have his own reasons."

I nodded. He did deserve the benefit of the doubt for now.

I began to worry. He hadn't seen what I had seen.

And what if Luthor remained? He could be waiting to attack at any moment.

My heart began to pound. I wanted to be there so badly, but Bruce was right. Me going back would be too catastrophic to my already tarnished reputation.

As I paced the floor, Alfred put a hand on my shoulder. "He's going to be okay. Even if he is stubborn, he is smart. And strong. He's been handling himself for years. This shouldn't be any different."

"But..." I argued. "This...this is Luthor. He...he just doesn't know him like I know him. He leveled a city."

Alfred looked me in the eye.

"Luthor could easily beat Bruce Wayne. That is fact."

My stomach dropped.

"But we'll see how he fares against Batman."

I fought against myself to keep from crying. I had been doing so far too much.

All of these emotions, I had never dealt with them before at this capacity. I was weak.

Maybe Bruce was right. I deserved to be lied to. He probably knew that I was just going to cry about it either way.

I am weak.

I repeated these words in my head over and over until I decided that it was pointless to keep fighting.

I closed my eyes and my cheeks were met with two warm streams of tears.

I didn't even bother wiping them away; they would just be replaced with more.

I didn't even bother hiding from Alfred. I didn't bother with anything.

Alfred placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and rubbed it. He handed me his hankerchief but I politely refused.

There was no point.

There was no point in anything.

I shuffled up the stairs to my room. I went to my bed and laid for hours. I finally drifted off as soon as I came to the realization that I didn't actually want to wake up.

I was beginning to wish Luthor had finished me off.


I'm back!!! Yes, I know it's been a long time since uploaded, but I was in a dark place. I have finally gotten out of it, with the help of you all. You have been so supportive of me and my work even in my absence. Even if I wasn't uploading, I tried my best to still communicate with you all.

I can't thank you enough for all of your love.


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