Chapter 15

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When I opened the door for Jim, both Alfred and Clark disappeared to a back room. Jim brushed passed me and threw his papers on the coffee table, plopping down on the couch in front of it.

"I know who Superman is."

"" I asked, stunned.

"Did you really think I wouldn't be able to find out?"

I said nothing.

"Might as well bring him out here, so I can meet him personally."

"Why?" I responded forcefully. "He's been through enough, he doesn't need--"

"--At this stage in the game, Bruce," Jim interrupted, "It doesn't matter what he needs. If he wants to be cleared, and have life go back to normal, he's gonna want to meet me."

I shook my head, staring at him in disgust. If he was lying, he could arrest Clark instead of help him. Finding no way I could argue, I went into the back room and found Clark.

I quickly explained the situation, and naturally, Clark panicked. I grabbed his hand and brought it to my lips.

"It's going to be okay, Clark. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I promise."

We made our way back to the living room and sat in front of Jim.

"Let's make this quick, because I want to hear what you have to say so I can decide whether or not you're going to prison forever."

My stomach dropped, yet at the same time, I felt my fists ball up in rage. I wouldn't let that happen. I'd run away with Clark to another planet if I had to.

Clark recounted the situation from his perspective with great hesitation as Jim took notes. When he finished, Jim looked up at me.

"Do you know how I figured out who Superman is?"

I shook my head, narrowing my eyes, the sight of Jim Gordon slowly becoming more and more repulsive.

"Because Perry White also knew."

Clark froze. "He...what? I never...I never told him, I don't underst--"

"--You too, huh? You underestimate people. Perry White was too great of a reporter to have not known."

We sat in silence for a long time, until Jim opened his mouth again.

"I am not going to arrest you, Clark. In fact, I believe you and your story. I want to help you. But you have to cooperate with too, Bruce. I know how stubborn you are."

Clark thanked him, but I said nothing. I wanted to trust Jim, as he was my friend, but like he'd said before, I knew that he didn't trust me. I wanted to earn that trust back, but I didn't know if it was worth it to do so.

We said goodbye to Jim, and Clark went to explain everything that had happened to Alfred. But as I watched Jim's car drive away, I knew that I needed to contact someone who I knew one hundred and ten percent that I could trust.

Clark's POV:

The TV had been on pause for at least an hour an a half when Bruce returned to the couch. We had been watching Leverage together when he got a call from someone. He never told me who he had been talking to for so long; he had only rushed out of the room wordlessly.

"Who was that?" I asked him as he sat back down next to me and reached for the remote.

Bruce paused for a moment. After a few long seconds of thinking, he finally said, "Nightwing."

My eyes lit up. "Oh! He's a cool guy. You think he can help us?"

"I know he can." Said Bruce. "And I trust him a whole lot more than Jim. In case Jim, um...changes his mind...we need a backup plan."

I nodded in understanding. This was a smart idea. Bruce started the TV again, and I inched closer to him. Feeling my cheeks burn, I lean my head carefully on his shoulder. I feel his eyes on me, then I feel his arm wrap slowly around my waist.

Though I tried to focus on the show, my mind often drifted to the altercation with Commissioner Gordon that had taken place the day before. From all of the previous stories that Bruce had told me, Jim seemed like a really sweet person. Something must have changed him.

My heart began to race as I thought about all of the things that could go wrong. What if he arrested me? What if he tarnished Bruce's reputation? What if he knew something that Bruce didn't?

That last thought was the worst of them all. Nobody knows more than Batman. Nobody.

I was shaken back out of my thoughts by Bruce squeezing my shoulder. "I can feel your heartbeat, Clark. What's wrong?"

I explained to him how I was feeling, and he listened. "I'm going to tell you something that I have never told anyone before." He said, starting to massage my shoulder.

I nodded for him to continue.

"I'm afraid, too. I'm terrified, even. But I'm not letting it stop me. And you shouldn't let it stop you either. I'm going to be right here with you."

I grinned sheepishly and rested my head on his chest. "Thanks, Clark."

My heartbeat slowed again, and I found myself at peace. My life had changed, but I was happy that it brought me closer to Bruce.
I should thank Luthor when I see him next, I thought.
If he hadn't destroyed my old life, I could never have built this amazing new one.

Alfred shuffled into the room as Bruce planted a kiss on my forehead. He smiled and winked at me.

"Any requests for dinner?" He asked. Bruce shrugged and looked at me for my answer. "Whatever is easiest. You deserve a break Alfred."

He thanked us and retreated into the kitchen. "You know, you two?" He called. "I can't remember the last time I saw either of you so happy."

Bruce and I looked at each other instinctively. And he was right. He made me the happiest version of me that has ever existed. And I knew in my heart that I was that for him.

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