Chapter 2

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When I woke the next morning, I was horrified to discover that what had happened yesterday was in fact the truth, and not an ungodly nightmare.

I rolled over, trying to get my bearings. The charred city around me brought back very fresh memories.

The explosions. The screams. His laughter.

Tears burned in my eyes. I didn't know what to do. So I did the only thing that I could do.

I bent over on the cold asphalt, buried my head in my knees and cried.

Never before have I felt this weak.

There was only one thing I could think to do when I had calmed down.

Luthor had mentioned going to Gotham. So there I would go also.

There was only one person I could go to for help.

Bruce's POV:

For once crime rates had been down in Gotham. Lower than ever before. And I was actually in a good mood. Until Alfred brought in the paper Monday morning.

"Master may want to have a look at this." He had said, handing me the paper.

It was a picture of Superman in the sky, looking terrified. This couldn't be right.

And then I read the headline.

Metropolis bombed; Millions dead; Superman nowhere to be found

If I knew anything, I knew that Clark was not behind this. There was no way. Either he was framed, or there was nothing he could do.

I had to find him.

Luckily, he found me.

Almost on cue, Alfred and I heard heavy yet frantic knocks on the door of Wayne Manor.

Alfred turned to answer it, but I stopped him.

"I got this, Al."

When the butler turned and left the lobby, I practically ran to the door.

When I opened it, Clark immediately doubled over and fell at my feet.

My heart broke for him.

His clothes were covered in ash. He was weak. His face was pale. And what most worried me was that his eyes were red. His cheeks were streaked with tears.

Never before had I seen Clark Kent, Superman, cry. It was very troubling indeed.

"Oh my god, Clark!" I exclaimed, extending a hand to help him off of his knees.

He didn't take my hand. Instead, he just looked straight into my eyes and whispered,

"Please. Help me, Bruce."

Even I couldn't hide my emotions. I helped him up and closed the door so no onlookers could see what was happening.

I ordered Alfred to shut every window and close every curtain, and to get Clark some blankets and a cup of tea.

I ushered Clark to the nearest couch, where he told me everything, fighting back tears the entire time.

I didn't know what to do to help him emotionally. When a girl cries, you let her bawl into your chest and pat her back and tell her everything is going to be okay. But...what about when a man cries? Is it the same principal?

Alfred apparently read my mind. He walked behind me and whispered in my ear.

"Comfort him." He told me. "He needs it."

"We can fix this." I told Clark, wishing I could do more for him.

Then, the only thing I could do is listen. I decided that if I could do nothing else to help my friend, I would be the best damn listener that this world has ever known.

Clark's POV:

I could tell my display of emotion was wearing on Bruce. At first he was comforting, but I knew he could only put on a facade like this for so long.

I was wasting his time.

"If only I had caught him...maybe...maybe things would be different...maybe-"

"-Cut it out!" Bruce roared at me. "What if's and maybe's don't change the past. We need to focus on what we can do for the future. What happened is out of your control."

"But...I could've saved them..."

"No. No you couldn't have."

An awkward silence filled the air. I could tell he regretted his words. After a few moments, he spoke once more.

"For the record, Clark..."

"Yeah, Bruce?"

"I don't think it was your fault."

" was..."

"It wasn't."

I was confused. Why was he being so nice to me? That is out of character for him.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. We're going to stop him. We'll make things right..."

I stared at my feet as a tear slipped off my chin and splashed onto his floor.

"...I promise."

When I met Bruce as Batman for the first time, I had never seen him be so sweet to anybody. I had barely even seen under the mask. But now that I had, there was something about him...something that I really couldn't put my finger on.


I needed to focus on what to do about me first, before I even think about him.

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