Chapter 10

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Bruce's POV:

I cannot believe that I just tried to kiss Clark Kent. I don't know what I was thinking. Something crazy I bet.

As I ate my burnt pizza I couldn't think straight. Clark had finished his early and sat on the couch playing Call of Duty.

My brain kept replaying that moment over and over in my head. I began to feel lightheaded.

Yet I couldn't stop smiling.

What would his lips have felt like? I bet they were soft. That would've been the perfect moment, and now I'll never find that out, because now I'm sure he thinks I'm some creep. He probably hates me.

I stood up and put our dishes in the sink. I began to retreat to my room when Clark stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?"

My stomach dropped. "Uh...n-nowhere?"

"That's right." Clark said, and grabbed my hand. He pulled me over to the couch.

"This game has multiplayer for a reason, you know. Join me?"

I nodded and took a deep breath.

He didn't hate me? Was there a chance?

My mind raced as we dominated Team Deathmatch and after the first game, Clark exited to the menu and turned to look at me.

"Why did you stop?" He asked.

For the first time in as long as I could remember, I was rendered absolutely speechless.

"I...I...I didn't think that you...would..."

"...kiss back?" He finished my sentence.

I nodded, feeling my face turn bright red.

"Well...there's only one way to find out, isn't there?" He looked over at me, a gleam in his eye.

Trembling, I scooted over to his side of the couch. He grinned as I leaned closer to him, then he stood up.

Why was he leaving?

"It's getting late, Bruce." He said, the tone in his voice turning me on. "Shall we pick this up another time?"

I nodded and stood up next to him. I was slightly taller than him so he looked up at me.

He put his hands on my shoulders and whispered in my ear.

"Good night, Batman."

As I shivered in the cold waiting for Jim, I couldn't stop thinking about Clark.

The way he touched me, looked at me, everything about him made me lose control.

I couldn't believe it had taken me this long to realize it either.

A gray Lexus swung around the corner, and stopped dead in front of me.

Jim stepped out and jogged over.

"Well, let's make this quick." he said, and I opened the door for him.

I explained everything that had happened, apart from the romance aspect of it. I didn't reveal Clark's identity either.

Jim pondered in the recliner. "That is a difficult situation. I'm willing to do anything I can to help."

"Thank you. It really means a lot."

"Of course. I didn't know you and Superman were that good of friends."

I tried my hardest not to get flustered.

"Y-yeah, we are. I've known him for a while."

I swiftly changed the subject.

"Do you have any ideas?" I asked him.

He shook his head and leaned back into the chair.

"No. But I can look into Luthor's wherabouts. We could go into Metropolis and look for clues."

I shuddered. That would be something Clark would need to know nothing about. But I agreed. That would be the only place where we could find solid evidence.

I needed to find Luthor before he found me.

After formulating a plan, a walked Jim back to his car and bid him a good night.

"Good luck, Bruce. Try not to get into too much trouble." Jim said as he drove off into the night.

I retreated to my bed and flopped down onto it.

I undressed and slid under the covers. I felt warm. But not as warm as when Clark was in my arms.

It took me a while to actually fall asleep, but when I did, I found myself happier than I had been in literal months.


Clark wrapped his hands around my waist, unbuttoning my jeans.

I cupped my hands around his face and kissed his soft lips gently. He kissed back.

He undressed himself and ran his fingers through my hair, and caressing my abs. He grinned and leaned forward, kissing me once more.

He spun me around but before anything more could happen, we heard gunshots.

He jumped off of me, slipped into his Superman suit and I was suddenly Batman.

Luthor took several shots at us, and I tried to stop him but it was too late. He grabbed Clark and lobbed a stick of Kryptonite at his chest.

He was impaled.

My Superman was gone.

I shot upright, breathing heavily. My cheeks were soaked with tears and my penis was erect.

That dream had taken a turn.

I rolled over to go back to sleep, in hopes that the first part of the dream would continue itself, without Clark ending up dead.
Clark's POV:

I woke up that morning so extremely giddy. The happiest I had been as long as I could remember.

I swung Bruce's door open ready to start my day, but he was fast asleep.

I grinned. He was adorable.

The blanket was starting to fall off, so I went to cover him with it fully, but as I walked, he rolled over and the blanket fell to the ground.

And Bruce was butt naked.

His abs glistened with sweat and his hair stuck to his face. His toes were pointed and he moaned. And then I saw that his penis was erect.

I crossed my legs to hide my own excitement by this.

I slowly backed out of the room and went into my own again.

That image was now imprinted into my skull and I was perfectly fine with that.

Krypto-Knight (Batman x Superman)Where stories live. Discover now