Chapter 6

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A/N: IT'S FINALLY FRIDAY!! Good morning my Krypto-Nerds! (I'm calling you guys who enjoy this book that now and you will deal with it lmao 😂😂) Please comment your opinions and if you have any suggestions, they help a lot! Thanks! Love ya! 💖💖💖


Bruce's POV:

I had a hard time sleeping that night. The only thing on my mind was Clark.

I couldn't have ever imagined being in his position. I'd have lost my mind.

I wondered if he was okay as I tossed and turned. I wanted to open the door and see if he was sleeping soundly, but I didn't want to bother him.

Suddenly I found myself reminiscing about when we first became good friends. As I did, I felt a warm feeling inside of my stomach.

Clark and I had always been friendly, because of Justice League and what not, but it wasn't until one night that we truly bonded.

I was holding a fundraiser for the Wayne Foundation that I really didn't want to do, but Alfred suggested it better my public view. So I was mingling and putting on a fake smile.

None of the other League members could make it, and I didn't really know any guests that well. For the first time I began to feel anxious and claustrophobic. And then Clark walked in.

I was unknowingly clinging to him, as he was the only person that I truly knew. At first it was small talk. Then we talked about the League. He started talking about his job at the Daily Planet. And then things started to get personal.

He explained to me about how he got here on Earth and about his real and Earth parents.

Now normally, I would not at all be comfortable talking about my own parents. I never did, to anybody. I hardly spoke about them to Alfred, and he knew them even better than I. Yet somehow, I was comfortable enough to open up to him.

We talked for hours, all night long. After the others guests left, he still sat in the lounge. We cracked open a couple of beers and before we knew it, it was 3 am.

I had never had such a moment with anybody. I try to swallow my emotions, but when it comes to Clark I simply cannot.

As I remembered that night, I realized that I had a goofy smile on my face.

I tried to push back the feeling and get some sleep, but it wouldn't go away.

I decided to try and distract myself from it. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my Twitter feed. It was mostly politics. Therefore, there was a lot of posting about the Metropolis situation.

One post from The Gotham Gazette struck my attention.

There was a picture of Clark, before the incident of course. He was in his normal uniform. I found myself staring at the S on his chest. I could see the outline of his six pack in red and blue.

Then my eyes wandered up to his face. He was grinning proudly, his teeth perfectly white. His hands rested on his hips and his jet black hair blew in the breeze.

And his eyes. They were a perfect deep blue, and they were looking right back at me.

This time I couldn't push away the feeling.

I continued to gaze at my screen, not understanding why I was so fixated.

When I looked up, ten whole minutes had passed.

Shaking my head in disapproval of myself, I turned off my phone and put it back on the charger.

I closed my eyes and tried to actually get sleep. But it wasn't until a few hours later that I actually drifted off.
I rolled out of bed quite early, despite my lack of sleep. I thought about opening Clark's door and checking on him, but he was already shuffling about in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Clark." I said as I descended the stairs.

He merely nodded at me, a small and shy smile on his lips.

"You're quiet." I pointed out, nudging him.

His smile widened slightly but he just nodded again.

"Hmm..." I said, furrowing my brow, trying to ignore his odd behavior. "What would you like for breakfast? I can ask Alfred to fix you something."

"I'm not really hungry." Clark replied, and brushed past me with a blank face.

My stomach dropped and I turned around to watch him take his black cup of coffee back up to his room.

I had thought that waking up in the morning would ease my concerns. It did quite the opposite.

I had already once followed him into his room, breaking his privacy before.  I couldn't possibly do it again.

I sighed and rubbed my temples as I heard Alfred walk into the kitchen.

"He's fine, Master Bruce."

I shake my head. "But what if he isn't? He is being so...distant right now."

"And that hurts your feelings." Alfred examined.

"I...well I'm just worried..." I responded, but I hadn't actually thought about the fact that my feelings were hurt. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was true.

"I'll check on him, Sir. Do not fret." Alfred decided, patting me on the shoulder and heading up the stairs.

I looked on as he opened the door, and promptly closed it. He chuckled and made his way back down to me.

"He's fallen back asleep."

I sighed heavily and plopped down onto the sofa. I buried my head in my hands and muttered to my butler, "How am I going to help him if he won't even talk to me?"

Alfred sat next to me and sat me up. "He was talking to you, Bruce. Yesterday, you two were like kids in a candy store, playing your games and being a couple of nerds. You were bonding. You have to remember what he is going through. It is very rough to put on that face for so long."

I couldn't find the words to respond.

I simply stood up and began to walk away. "If he wakes up, tell him that I'm in the Cave."

I could feel disapproval radiating off of Alfred, but I continued walking. I knew I had to be there for him, but I can't do that when he's asleep.

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