Chapter 10.

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'i'm seriously blushing at this girl, aren't i?'  

'this is so not happening!'  

i have to act quick! i turn around to see all the angry faces signaling me to move. before i could even make any move, the girl just left.  

'thank you god!'

i drove away fast, couldn't think any longer.  

i came up to Buckston street, the place is much quieter then my place..more peaceful. there is this abandoned warehouse, a library, few stores and some houses where some people i know stay. i park my car safely at my usual safe spot, in front of the warehouse. that's where we practice.

i go up to the warehouse and everyone was there..guess waiting for me.  

'well, i guess our rich ass is here at last!' joe says, smiling.  

'oh, sorry about that, traffic jam'  

'yeah, yeah, as if we're gonna buy that!' Danyl says laughing.

yeah..i know lame excuse..what am i gonna tell them!?  

'oh yeah i saw this cute chick and she noticed that i was staring and i 'blushed' at her!?' F**k NO!

'okay people, lets start!' Joe says and everyone's up.

i said i 'half-lied' to's the truth..we have a dance group.

its just all of us doing the thing we all love doing.dancing.. most of the dancers live here. maybe if we work hard enough, we could go international.

Danyl.she's amazing, she does hip-hop . she lives for freestyles. that girl's crazy! and there's Joe, he's awesome in tap-dance. he's got this energy that never dies.and then there's..Casey, man..that dude is insane! he does contemporary and when he's dancing, he's all over the place! he's got sick moves!

and there's AJ, Micah, Warren, Joy. we all practice in the warehouse. i met them 4-5 years back. this place was filled with people but now people moved to the better side and now this place is abandoned. i moved too but i stayed connected to them. i had friends in my school but i wasn't their friends after wards because i was 'popular'.

we do all kinds of dance routine..hip-hop, salsa, jazz, break dance, tapping, contemporary, modern....and the list goes on and on..  

i'm a total breaker. but i even enjoy contemporary...surprising? very much.

we were goofing around for sometimes but then we practiced for like hours. i was exhausted.  

it's almost 6.

we all said bye to each other and left. i drove home..thinking..about that girl i saw in the car..whoa! hold it! WHAT!?  

why am i thinking bout some girl i just saw for like few seconds!? Jason does NOT do THAT!

oh god..i can't wait for my uni to start! i wonder if there would be any hot chicks there..of course there will be! right?  

btw i wonder if that girl's gonna be there too....did i just think that!? great..


i reached home after 15 minutes..hmm..not so far i guess.  

i opened the door, expecting no one to be there.  

there was nobody..and i was always good at guessing..:)

i went to my room and washed up and changed to a pair of white shorts and a big black sweater. i don't really mind showing skin but too much of it? no..not my option.

i don't know what to do..i guess sis is out with friends or boyfriend. not sure about brother though. mom in her uni teaching i guess. dad's 'working' of course.  

okay..i guess i'm gonna cook something!  

what can i say? some people have hobbies like gardening, watching t.v, chatting, listening to music, getting laid? and what not..

i love cooking! cooking and singing AND of course..listening to music is what i love! i don't know what i'm gonna make but i'll find out later..  

i start taking out the things i need and got ready.  

i listen to music when i'm cooking so i played p!nk's song 'Boring' in my ipod and started working.  

i guess i'm gonna make lasagna with peperoni..yum!

i was dancing crazy and cooking when i heard some noises. i guess its Mia or Jared. i kept working..hmm...this is gonna be goood!  

i heard some one call my name but i kept working..i hate getting distracted.  

then suddenly someone just came up to my and pulled my headphone off and said 'ASHLEY!'

'what the hell!??! i jumped up and yelled.  

i saw Jared, covering his ears and looked annoyed. then he smiled.  

'what do you want!?' i said irritated.  

'food' he said as a matter-of-factly.  

'by the way..i haven't realized you could scream like a chick, sister' he says walking up to the fridge and getting a bottle of water.  

'that's because you are too busy getting laid, and anyways, I'm a girl.' i said giving him a sarcastic smile.

'ouch..that hurt!' he said and he walks up to my and says:  

'yeah. Ashley,i know you're a girl, a tough one. and i'm proud to have a sister like you. just don't be too hard on yourself. tell me if you need anything. maybe i can bash some guy up for you?' i couldn't help but smile and he smiled back and gave a peck on the forehead and went off to watch the football match.


i reached home after i came from the stupid trip. i opened the door with my key, everyone in the family had a spare one for the front door, went in and it smelled like peperoni.  

hmm..ashley's cooking again.  

i went up to the kitchen and saw my baby sister dancing and cooking. she's crazy.  

i called but she wouldn't listen so i went up to her and pulled off the headphone.  

she yelled really loud. i had to cover my ears.  

'what the hell!??!'  

'what do u want?!'  

'food' i say. 'by the way..i haven't realized you could scream like a chick, sister' i walked to the fridge and got a bottle of water.  

'that's because you are too busy getting laid, and anyways, i'm a girl.' she said and gave a sarcastic smile.  

god..she soo doesn't act like my baby sister anymore..ever since those incidents..she just became a different person. she wasn't so sweet and cheerful like 1-2 years back.  

'ouch..that hurt!'  

i walk to her and say:  

'yeah. Ashley,i know you're a girl, a tough one. and i'm proud to have a sister like you. just don't be too hard on yourself. tell me if you need anything. maybe i can bash some guy up for you?' i said and she smiled. i smile back and give a peck on the forehead and walk to the t.v room for the football match still thinking about Ashley. i know she's hiding something but i won't force her to tell me cause i know she won't. she's soo reserved she just closed her door to the outside world. i hope she changes. she's a tough girl but i know she can't let go of whatever happened to her in the past.

plzzz tell me how this is actually going!:)  

every input is accepted!:)  

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