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a/n: not perfectly in-character & a bit sad

tw: bad writing, alcohol usage and swearing.

another thing: there may be slip-ups in the division between american and british things, but i'm trying, i swear.


"You can't break me."

They were simple words that the singer spoke, but somehow, both he and the bassist knew it was a lie. Murdoc could and would eventually break 2D down until his mental state was reduced to almost nothing.

The bassist huffed, saying nothing, and left 2D on his own. Before leaving though, he heard a broken sob and saw the singer shake once while his hands were placed on the back of his head, clutching his hair. Another migraine, Murdoc thought, hesitantly but quickly locating the painkillers 2D depended on so much and placing them next to him on the sofa.

Stuart coughed and let his gaze turn up, almost catching a glimpse of the bassist before he'd left. Before the door closed, 2D let out a soft, "thanks". Murdoc turned around and nodded before leaving.

2D coughed again, soft enough to where no one could hear, and sighed. He had no idea why he'd suddenly began to cough so much when he'd first arrived to the apartment on Wobble Street; he'd been perfectly fine before. He decided that he'd have to eventually get it checked out.

2D erupted into a fit of coughing and tried to cover his mouth, but failed in doing so. Eventually, he stopped coughing and began to wheeze. The coughing had made his chest hurt, so he walked into the kitchen and got a glass from the cupboard, filling it with water from the sink. Maybe water would help ease the ache. Luckily, after a drink, the pain in his chest had ceased. He went back into the living room with his water and sat down, crossing his legs.

Russel yawned as he walked into the living room. "Damn, 'D, you should really get that cough checked out," he said, causing 2D to groan. "I'll do it eventually. Right now, I'm perfectly fine," he said, taking another sip. "Besides, the water is helping a lot."

Russel rolled his eyes, but nodded, though he didn't believe the singer. "Whatever. Do we have any cereal, or have you forgotten to get some once again?"

2D was usually in charge of buying food and paying bills since he was the only one with a job, but he forgot to buy breakfast most of the time, due to both accidents involving Murdoc leaving him with slight brain damage. "I bought a family-sized box of Cocoa Pops and a gallon of milk, so yes, I did remember," he said, an annoyed tone prominent in his voice. Russel looked taken aback by said tone, but went into the kitchen and the sound of cereal being poured could be heard, then cabinets being shut very loudly, much to 2D's dismay. "Could you not make so much noise? I have a migraine."

It was only 1:30pm and he already had a migraine; the pills, despite being 500 milligrams and him having to take two at a time, still didn't work. Eventually, after Russel finished pouring his cereal and Stuart had taken two more painkillers, his head stopped throbbing, only for it to become numb and his vision to become hazy.

He stared at nothing, unsure of what he was meant to be doing. He didn't even notice that he'd coughed so violently that it caused him to gag and almost vomit. 2D was being made to lie down, but he didn't struggle; he only felt numb, like there was nothing around him. In reality, Noodle, Russel and Murdoc were there, concerned as to why he sounded like he was choking. Murdoc only being slightly concerned. Only slightly.

"His breathing is shallow, but that's probably because he took four painkillers." That was Russel. 2D could both feel and hear himself breathe. It was true about his breathing, but he felt fine. His eyes were wide open, the red color showing through the black. If he'd still had normal eyes, they would've probably been bloodshot. He had bags under his eyes, though, due to an extreme lack of sleep.

"Why... am I laying down...?" he questioned, slurring. He couldn't control his own speech, not like he cared to anyways: nothing would possibly come out of it. "Here, 2D, drink this," Noodle said, but 2D weakly pushed it away. "No..." he said, pouting as if he were a child that had just been told to take a nap. "'D, you have to drink somethi-" Murdoc began, but 2D cut him off. "No!" he yelled, only to cough more, which seemed to sober him up. "No," he said, sighing. "I don't need water. Maybe alcohol, but not water," he said and stood up, pushing past them and going to his room where he kept a secret bottle of rum.

He only drank it when it was absolutely necessary, so it was only half-empty. Today was one of those days he needed it desperately so when he got to his room, he locked the door and got the bottle out from under his bed. The words Saint James were still on the front of the bottle. Usually, the words on glass bottles of alcohol wore off, but not this bottle. It was £550, for fuck sake. Of course it would be in good condition for quite a while.

By the time he'd finished the bottle, he was almost a drunken mess. The bottle was carelessly tossed onto the ground and almost immediately, there were four hard knocks on the door. "Aye, Dents! Open up!"

"No!" Stuart yelled, but the person didn't listen and kept knocking, so he got annoyed. He finally unlocked the door, immediately noticing Murdoc, who was shirtless. "Damn..." he said, his mouth wide open and his eyes almost popping out of his head.

2D began laughing, clutching his stomach to avoid cramping. But it didn't help his lungs from malfunctioning and forcing him to cough. "Ugh. Damnit, I ruin everything."

Murdoc just stood there in silence, confused by the sudden change in mood, then he walked past the drunken man and pulled him along, making him lie down. "What... what're ya doin'?" 2D asked, looking suspiciously at the man who had picked him up and forced him to lie down. "You need to rest. Now."

2D huffed, but easily fell asleep, leaving Murdoc to search his room for anymore alcohol as he was a heavy sleeper.

"G'night, Faceache." Then he left.


a/n: i'm listening to tøp as i finish writing this. yay. but ye, i've wanted to write an actual 2doc fic since april and it's now june, so have this, i guess.

i'm gonna start putting dates things started and ended, like **** 2017 or something like that

don't hate this, it'll get better i swear

• edit: i went back and looked through and edited it
• edit #2: i've gone back again and removed useless things that have no place in here
• edit #3: i went through again and edited it, removing more things that had no use to the plot. i removed the part about 2D teaching Noodle keyboard and Noodle teaching 2D guitar.
• final? edit: i changed a bit more
• edit again: removed 2D's accent and added some more

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