Chapter 1

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* Disclaimer: I don't owe any of the characters, only the things that I made up. The characters all belong to Rick Riordan and Cassandra Clare.

Edit: a quick author's note ;)
I started writing this story when I was thirteen, and my laptop was set on German autocorrect. This resulted in an infinite amount of grammar mistakes. I apologize. Some day - when I'm not lazy - I'll edit this. Until then, read at your own risk lmao.

- sincerely, 16 year old me with English autocorrect


It was three months after the giant war and Leo turned back (with Calypso). We first were about to kill him, because he made us worry so much, but then we all gave him a big group hug. It's good that hes's back now. Annabeth and I were about to go and train some new halfblood children, as Chiron came to us. "Annabeth, Percy, we need to talk." He turned around and went. Soon Annabeth and I followed him. In our usual "consultation room" the others were already there. The Stolls, Jason, Piper, Leo, Clarissse, Nico and all the others.

Chiron began talking. "There is a mysterious Monster in New York - It has been killing a lot of Mortals lately. Thalia contacted me, because Artemis and her hunt are already hunting a different Monster in Arizona. We need six people to go and hunt it, before it causes more damage." I immediately stood up. "I'll go", I said. My Mom and Paul lived in New York. I didnt't want them to get hurt. "I'll go with him.", Annabeth said and smiled at me. Chiron nodded. Jason, Leo, Nico and Piper stood up, too, and it was decided. Right after that was dinnertime. As always, I sat with Nico, Piper, Will, Jason, Leo, Calypso and of course my wise girl. Leo grinned. "Seems like it's us again..."


"Reyna, you need to come!" Frank, the second praetor of Camp Jupiter sounded really nervous. I raised an Eyebrow. "What is it?" "Ella and Tyson just came back from their trip. They saw some mysterious Monster, and had no Idea what it was." I stood up and followed him. Please don't get me wrong. I respect Frank and everything, but sometimes he reminds me of an exited child. Like now. He became a litle bit like a little brother to me, which is kind of weird. Before the Gaea war, the members in my family were Hylla and me. And Bellona if you want to. But now, there's Hylla, Nico, Frank, Hazel,... The war is doing uncommon things to us all.

"Well, then what's the exact problem?", I asked. Tyson began to explain: "While we were in New York, we saw a big Monster. Not one I ever have seen, and neither has Ella... Anyway, the Monster was killing a lot of poeple. We tried to stop it, but we weren't fast enough and couldn't do it alone. What are we goin' to do now?" I exchanged a look with Frank. If Tyson wasn't able to hunt it, the Monster must indeed be quite big. Tyson alone can replace two well-trained Demigods, so we needed to send more people than usual. "Ah, and I forgot something." I looked at Tyson, a question in my eyes. "The Monster said : 'bring me the daughter of Bellona and the Son of Mars, then I shall leave this town alone.' "


"C'mon Wiggles, time to go to Magnus and Alec." I rolled my eyes. "Jace, seriousley, I got my memories back, I konw I never wanted to be called Wiggles. So just stop calling me that." "Of course I will... Wiggles" said Jace. Clary laughed and told us to hurry up.

As we entered Magnus' house, we got greeted by the baby, Max. He was lying in front of the door, on some pillows and smiled. I was kind of confused. What did the baby do in front of the door? I put him onto my arms and entered the room togther with the others. Alec was sitting at the round consulting table, while Magnus made some baby milk. "Uh... did you know about Max lying in front of the door?" Magnus raised an eyebrow, as if I'd said something dumb. "Do I look like I'd be forgetting where my baby is?"
To be honest he did look like that, but I din't say it. Jace grinned and took a seat next to Alec and they began talking. I didn't know what to do with the baby on my arms - so I went to Magnus, gave it to him and sat down next to Clary. Five minutes later, Izzy (looking like the beautiful Godess she is), Maia and Lily came in and sat down, too.

"So, there's been some demon killing my Vampires. It's getting pretty annoying. It killed At least fifty free living vampires and ten out of Hotel Dumort. I want it to be dead, Lightwood", Lily said as soon as she sat down. "How about mentionig that it's been killing Mortals and Wirewolfs, too?", Maia snapped at Lily. "None of my buisness", Lily said and muttered, "They ain't even that important..." "What?!", Maia shouted and began fighting with Lily abouth wether Wirewolfs, Mortals or Vampies were the most important. Suddenly a blue flash appeared before both of their mouths, transforming into white bands that kept them from speaking. Both, Lily and Maia, gave a death stare to Magnus. I would've run away if they stared at me like this. But Magnus only grinned and said sweetly: "Feel honoured. I invented this spell just for you." Then he turned around and kept on feeding the baby.

I hardly kept myself from laughing and tried to stay serious. I saw Clary, Jace and Izzy doing the same. If we'd look at eachother for one second, we'd for sure burst out laughing. Alec grinned and then asked Magnus to get the bandages away from their mouths. Magnus said he'd do so, if Lily and Maia were able not to kill eachother. Then he removed the bandages. Lily and Maia gave each other another one of their death stares, but they both didn't say anything anymore. Alec then continued facing the problem.
"Okay, so that Demon has been killing Mortals, Vampires and Wirewolfs lately... Maia, do you know how many Wirewolfs and Mortals it killed?" Maia nodded. "Twelve Mortals, twenty free-living Wirewolfs and eight out of my clan."
"Okay so I'll go and hunt it down. It -"
Magnus, Jace and Izzy shouted alltogeher. "You're not going to hunt it alone"Jace said. "How dare you think that you'd be able to do that alone? At least take me with you and no, that wasn't a question!"
"Fine", Alec sighed. "But Izzy is going to stay -" "Where are you thinking", Izzy snorted. "Of course I'm coming with you!" "Me, too", I added. I won't leave her alone, even though she was able to protect herself perfectly fine. Clary nooded and said she would come with us. Jace already opened his mouth to argue against it, but Clary shook her head. "I won't change my mind. Don't even try." Magnus just looked at each one of us and said, "Maybe I should go, too..." "That's enough. Magnus, don't go. We still have Max here and I didn't even want Jace to come with me..."
Magnus shrugged. "I can take him with me.." We all turned around to Magnus, staring at him. Why would he take his own baby on a hunt after a Demon? And also... How could I ever have thought that Magnus could be a responsible father?

"Uh, Magnus... normal people wouldn't take their babies on a hunt after a Demon." Maia said and I totally agreed. Magnus grinned. "But I am not normal. Also, It's going to be a nice little trip." We stared at him, once again in dibelief. Magnus really never failed to surprise us.
"Magnus, I really don't think this is a good idea.", Alec said. Magnus looked at him and his eyes became soft. "
I saw it Alec, and it was real. We need him on that hunt." Alec sighed and then agreed on taking Max onto the hunt.

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