Chapter 2

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I was not happy with this.

At all.

After the rules, the next responsible for Camp Jupiter, was the Augur. Good thing Ocatvian wasn't here anymore. Unfourtunateley, our augur were Ella and Rachel; some kind of part-time Augur, part-time Oracle, since she was switching between the camps all the time. It's not like I didin't rust them. I just didn't want to leave the camp with them, because I don't think they will be able to lead it. If both, Frank and me, had to go, who was going to fight the monsters and make the descicions? I sighed and went to the library, where Rachel and Ella stayed most of the time.

"So you don't trust us enough, to lead the camp, but you have to leave us here because you ain't got no choice", Rachel said, concluding what I just told them. "You don't have to worry so much , Reyna. Ella and I are going to get this - we may not lead this camp properley Roman, but we will lead it well - just in our own way. And if something goes wrong, we'll ask Camp Half-Blood. We can do that, okay?" I nodded, hoping that she was right. Then I told Frank and Hazel to pack their stuff and got ready for the trip to New York.


I hate trips with Jason.

Because of him, we weren't able to go with a boat, no, we had to take the train instead. But, to be fair, we also couldn't take the plane, because Mr. Zeus would kill me. And I'm not even joking. So now we were all sitting in a train to New York. Piper was trying to make Nico understand that he had to ask Will out for a date (these guys really take long with coming together... Was it like that with Annabeth and me, too?), Leo showed Jason his newest inventions and Annabeth worked on her daedaluscomputer (a gift from the gods, since we were *quote from Lord Zeus*: 'kind of helpful saving the Olymp from falling').

Chiron told us, that he had sent Blackjack to spy on the monster and tell us it's exact position. Blackjack, the undercover-agent, hehe. Suddenly the door opened and Blackjack came in. He literally just stepped into the train, as if it wasn't slightly weird that a pegasus walked around in a train. Someone must have manupulated the mist, so the mundane won't see.
"Lady Hecate blessed me, Boss", I heard Blackjacks voice in my head. That would explain, why the mortals weren't able to see Blackjack as who he was. "Do you have donuts?" I smiled and gave him one. "Ugh, thanks Boss... Holy Pegasus it's delicious... The monster is right now in Brooklyn, next to the river. I don't thinlk it'll move, but I'll tell you if will."
"Thanks Blackjack."
"Always, Boss. Can I get another donut?"

After giving Blackjack another Donut, I opened the window and he jumped out of the train. Annabeth smiled at me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. I took her hand. We were never going to be seperated again. I quickly told the others what Blackjack told to me. Then we arrived.

My fisrt impulse was to make sure Mom and Paul were okay. Annabeth immideateley new what I was thinking and whispered into my ear: "We can't go now, Percy. I'd love to go, too, but... We first have to kill the Monster. Also Nico would know. They are okay." I nodded and took her hand. "And uh.. what are we going to donow?", Leo asked, looking as confused as the rest of us - except for my wise girl. "Dind't Blackjack say it's next to the Brooklyn river?"

When we got to the right side of the river, we saw the monster. I've seen plenty of monsters. Mostly disgusting and scary, but this... this was uglier than Kellie in Tartarus.
Or any other Monster I met.
It had slime dripping all over his body and when it fell down on the gras, that little place was immedeately burned. It was maybe seven feet tall, had short but sharp teeth and under the slime it's body seemed rotten in a dark blue (I'm pretty sure it was. Did you smell him? He stinks worse than New Yorks worst places - plus Gabe in it.)
His eyes glimmed in a deadly red. Then it dissapeared. "What in Hephaistos name was this?", Leo whispered. We all looked at Annabeth, searching for an answer. She shook her head.
"I've never seen something like this. It's not Greek, not Roman, nor anything anything else I know." I felt how we all lost a bit of our hope. "Anyways, we have to hunt and kill it. Let's make a plan on how we'll do it. Then Seaweedbrain will call Blackjack to make sure to know, where it went. Leo, pack out some food, Piper, please use your Charmspeech to make people go away from us... Seaweedbrain, come and help me with getting out those blankets out", Annabeth ordered and soon we were having a consulting picnic.

"So I'm not allowed to burn it down?",Leo whined.
Annabeth shook her head. "We don't know what will happen; maybe it'll explode and cause a big fire in Brooklyn. And before you ask Jason, no, you're not allowed, too, it's not like I don't trust Leo."
Jason, disappointed, closed his mouth. "Maybe I can turn him away with my charmspeech", Piper suggested. Annie nodded. "Good one, McLean. We should attack him from different sides. Piper can then use her charmspeech to distract it, Jason and Leo attack from one side, Percy and I from the other. Seaweedbrain, can you try to control the slime? If not, it will probably burn us."
"Of course." Annie smiled (I love when she smiles) and nodded. The hope that we lost earlier came back. We had a plan - or at least Annabeth had one.

Blackjack told me that the monster had moved 500 meters away from here, so we ate up, packed our stuff and went to kill the Monster.

It wasn't hard to find. You were able to smell it after a few steps. I wouldn't be wondering if it was releated to my Ex-Stepfather Gabe. The monster wandered around in a narrow alley, probably on the way to kill more people. We hid behind some trees and discussed the plan once again. Then we all took our places and attacked the monster.

The fight was done after maybe one minute. And nope, it's not because we won fast. As we attacked, we crushed together with some weird tatooed poeple, a tall cat-eyed man with a blue baby and Hazel, Reyna and Frank. We were confused for a second, but still had to kill the Monster.

But the Monster was gone.

It turned into some slimey black-shadow-rotten-light and disappeared.

Reyna raised and Eyebrow. "You here?" We all grinned and gave her, Frank and Hazel a big hug. Even Nico did (but he got out of the group hug really quickly). Then we all turned to the tatooed people who simply gave us a weird stare. Who were they?


Okay, this was getting strange.

There were in total ten people, three of them in ancient Roman clothing. The blackhaired girl was obviousley their leader, just looking at her attitude. She was wearing a golden amour with a lilac cape. The asian guy standing next to her (probably her second leader) was weraing the same thing. He had a lot of muscels. Next to him was standing a girl with a dark brown afro and golden eyes. She didnt have a cape, but wore a cavalary sword. The others had pretty normal clothing, but wore a sword, knife or whatever weapon with them.

They looked as confused as us. And they were able to see us, eventhough we had runes against it. Magnus sighed as we all gave him a confused look.

"These are demigods - and trust me, some of them are even more arrogant than you Shadowhunters once were."

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