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One week later


"If Susan had taught me anything then it was how much love was worth. She gave her life for her son and a random stranger, Simon, who she didn't even know. May her soul Rest In Peace."
I finished my speech in front of her grave.

"May she Rest In Peace", the others repeated.

We were the only ones at the funeral - Susan hadn't  had any contact to her family or friends.

When we walked back to Alexander and my apartment, the demigods announced they had to go. Their mission was over, so there was no reason to stay any longer. Even if it wasn't a happy farewell due to Susan's recent death, we still promised each other to keep contact.

"It's not fair", Isabelle said after they left. "She didn't deserve to die. I wish there could have been a different way to kill that monster."

Simon mumbled something about it being his fault.

"It's not your fault, Simon!", Izzy said energetically. "You were in no shape to fight, you had to be saved. Stop feeling guilty about it, I'm sure she wouldn't want that."
Simon nodded, not at all convinced. Isabelle sighed and hugged him, saying it would be okay.

"Alexander", i said.
"I have to talk with you."
He nodded, and we left for our room. His blue eyes were laced with worry. "Are you okay? Is something wrong, Magnus?"

I took a deep breath and then said : "I thought about it .. marrying you, I mean. If you still want to, I'd like to marry you, Alexander. What Susan did taught me not to waste time. No matter what obstacles we might face, I will always love you."

I waited for him to answer. He seemed to think about something, but I couldn't figure out what it was. At last, he said :"wait here."

A few minutes later he came back with a black box and dropped on one knee.

"I know you already said yes", he said, "but I wanted to do it like this anyways." He opened the box. There were two rings in there, silver with identically shapes stones in them. Pieces of a fairy light, shining brightly as Alexander held them. "Will you be my husband Magnus?", he asked quietly.
I nodded. "Yes."

And when his eyes looked up to me, full of joy and love, I kissed him ... and knew that everything was going to be alright.

- the end -

(I know it took me way too long to update ... I'm sorry. Hope you enjoyed this (short) story either way ~(^.^)~ )

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