New school, new start|part 1

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Your POV/ 1st person

"Good morning Mary and Molly," I say as I get out of bed.

"Good morning Miss (Y/n)," the twin maids say in unison. "How did you sleep?" They ask.

"I slept fine, thank you for asking," I yawned, "Did you get my uniform for my new school?"

"Yes Miss (Y/n)," Molly says while Mary grabs my uniform. She lays it down on my bed and I look over it to approve of it. I guess brown is a nice color.

I take a long, warm bubble bath and afterwards my maids brush and comb my hair. The maids comment on how nice my (h/l) (h/t) (h/c) hair is. They curl it to the best of their ability and make it look even better. I get dressed in my uniform and twirl in front of my mirror.

"I look awesome, thank you girls!" I hug my maids and I head down to breakfast. I sit at the table   with my younger siblings Armin, Mikasa, and Eren. They are all in preschool, but very smart.

"Hey guys what are you having for breakfast?" I ask as I get a plate of pancakes.

"I'm having fruit, it gets you energized and determined," Eren yells.

"I'm having what Eren is having," Mikasa says.

"I-im having t-toast and orange juice," Armin says shyly. I pat his head and hug the other two.

"We start a new school today, and we are gonna make lots if friends, aren't we?" I ask. They all nod their heads.

I eat my pancakes and I grab my (f/c) backpack. I head towards the door of my mansion and I wait for the kids.

"Hurry up guys we need to be super early because we need to get our schedules!" I tell to my three siblings. They come from their rooms with their backpacks and lunches. They were all wearing the same shirt but the boys wore shorts and Mikasa wore a brown skirt kinda like mine.

"You look so cute!" I yell from the cuteness and I  almost pass out. "Let's go," we get out of the mansion and into the limo.

We talk about different places in the world like oceans, volcanoes, and rain forest. Armin really likes thinks like that because he has to stay inside most of the time.

When those three were born Armin was the youngest and the weakest. He got sick easily and had to stay inside. Eren and Mikasa stayed with him all the time, but he still felt bad. Recently Armin's health has gotten better so he was allowed to go to school. But he has to use a wheelchair because his legs aren't strong enough to support him.

"Armin how do you feel?" I ask giving him a gentle smile.

"I f-feel ner-nervous," he stutters.

"Make sure you take your medicine at lunch time okay? Or I will come down to your school and help you." He nods his head in agreement.

"We can help him remember his medicine!" Eren shouts. Mikasa nods.

"Guys were at your school!" I yell excitedly. They get out if the car and a maid takes them into the preschool.

'Off to middle school I guess' I thought to myself.

I'm dropped of a little ways away from their school. "Ouran middle school, here I come." A maid by the name of Sally takes me to the office and gets my schedule.

"Have a nice day Miss (y/n)." She says sweetly.

"Same to you Sally," I walk towards my new classroom knowing that I'm a little late from the tour of this school.

I knock on the door and a teacher opens it.

"You must be the new student come in and introduce yourself!" The teacher says happily.

I bow to the class, "It is nice to meet you all I am (l/n) (y/n) but you can call me (y/n)." I bring my head back up from the bow and I look around. The boys are staring at me, while the girls are talking about how cute I look.

"You can take a seat in front of Hikaru." I look around and notice that the only empty seat is in front of a red head boy who looks a bit annoyed while his twin brother looks angry.

I walk to the back if the class and I take my seat. I turn around and face the red headed boy, "I'm guessing that you're not Hikaru and that is," I say pointing to other twin.

The red head who I presume is Hikaru speaks up, "Pointing is rude, didn't you know that!" He snaps at me.

"Sorry. But if you are Hikaru then who are you," I ask the twin behind me.

"Kaoru Hitachiin, younger twin. Now leave me alone," he also snaps at me.

They must of had a bad morning. I turn around and write notes about today's lesson.

~*~*time skip ~*~*

"We will now have free time!" The teacher yells to the class.

People crowd around me asking me questions about my life and my family. I zone out for a bit and I notice that the twins are alone playing a video game. I ask everyone if they could give me space and they go back into their friend groups.

I get up and walk over to the twins. "Hikaru, Kaoru can I sit with you guys?" I ask them.

"No you can't because-" Hikaru starts.

"-we only need each other!" Kaoru finishes.

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I say with puppy dog eyes.

"Only if you can guess-" Hikaru starts.

"-which one is Hikaru!" Kaoru finishes.

"Fine I say," I look at the twins even though I already knew that answer, " you are" I say pointing at Hikaru.

"Wrong!" They shout in unison.

"Actually I'm right," I said as I walk away.

"How did she know?", I hear the twins say as I walk back to my seat.

End of chapter
Yay my first chapter is complete. This story shall be amazing. Also

Junior High school (Hikaru x reader x Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now