Confession|part 8

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Your POV/1st person

I see the twins walking on my direction and I put my hood on to cover my face. Hikaru walks up to me.

"You sent us this letter?" Hikaru asked. I nod my head.

"Who was it meant for me, or my brother," he asked with confusion laced in his voice.

"Both of you," I say in a slightly higher voice.

"Do you think of us as one person, and if so that's sick," he says disgusted.

"I think of you as two people who are a key part to my life, and can you please tell Kaoru to come put of the bush," I tell Hikaru.

Kaoru walks out of the bush and stands next to Hikaru.

"Who's it gonna be. Me or him," they say in unison.

"How about both," I say shyly as a blush spreads on my face.

"You don't know who you're messing with-" Hikaru starts.

"-so stop playing games with us!" Kaoru finishes.

I take the hood off and I look them in the eyes. "Would I play games with you two?" I ask.

"(Y/n)?" They say in unison.

"I love both of you. I have since I met you. You were so fascinating and I was one of the first people to break open your shell. I don't care if you feel differently about me, my love for you will never change."

"You feel that way about us?" The twins says in unison. I nod.

Before the twins can say anything else, a panicked Armin comes running up to me.

"Armin! Why are you running! What happened," I ask him.

"(Y/n), Eren...fight.... Older kid.....Mikasa..... About... To....lose it...night," Armin passes out from exhaustion.

I put him on my back and I run to find Eren and Mikasa. The twins follow after me.

After a long run I find Mikasa and a second year fighting. Eren is on the sidelines with a bruise on face. He was also holding his eye.

I stand in between Mikasa and the boy, and they both stop. I look at Mikasa with an angered look and she walks away.

I turn to the second year boy. "Who are you and why are you bothering my siblings!" I demanded.

"Tch. I don't have to answer to you (y/n) (l/n)." He says.

"I will find out. Sooner or later," I turn around and I walk away.


"What?" I turn back around.

"Levi Ackerman, it's my name," he said as he winked at me.

'What the hell just happened!' I walk towards the twins and my siblings.

"Let's go home, and think about some after school clubs for you three. I don't want you getting into trouble," we continue to walk towards the front gates and I look at the twins.

"Can we come over today?" Kaoru asks me.

"Sure, we can do our homework together," I blush a little.

We all get into the limo and the twins text their mother.

I sat between the twins and my siblings sat across from us.

"So what happened," I become serious all of the sudden.

"He walked up to me and started making fun of me for being weak," Armin said.

Junior High school (Hikaru x reader x Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now