Sleepover|part 5

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Your POV/1st person

"Spring break is next week, 10 whole days away from school. What should we do?" You exclaim.

"And here I thought you and Tamaki had nothing in common," Kyoya says.

"What do you mean?" Tamaki and I ask in unison.

"You both recover from things quickly, you're crying one moment and laughing the next, then you get really serious and the cycle repeats!" Kyoya says.

"You're right about that," Hikaru says. Kaoru nods in agreement.

I giggle about their observation. The twins start to blush at my laughter. "I guess you guys are right!" I calm down and I regain my composer.

"Dinner is going to be served in ten minutes, and it is too late for you to go home, so please inform your parent or guardian that you are going to stay the night," I put on a serious face and I open the door signalling for the boys to leave.

"My point had been proven," Kyoya says as he walks out of the room. The twins follow after him and Tamaki leaves after them. I shut my door and I start to get dressed for dinner.

I go into my closet and I look for an outfit to wear. I settle on a white dress and (f/c) flats to go with them. I take off my shoes, sweater, and tights. I walk into my bathroom and I put them in the clothes hamper.

When I walk out of the bathroom I see one of the twins in my room. They look at me and they blush and stand there staring at me.

"GET OUT!" I scream at the twin. They run out of the room and I quickly change before anyone else comes in.

I walk out of my and I head down to the dining room. I take my seat between the twins and we start to eat.

"Which one of you was it?" I ask the twins. Everyone at the table directs their attention to me and the twins.

"What are you talking about," Hikaru says. So it wasn't him. I look at Kaoru and his face is really red.

"I didn't mean to I promise, I didn't know," Kaoru says in fear.

"What happened?" Tamaki asks me.

"He saw me changing," I say nonchalantly. Kaoru's face turns a darker red.

"I'm really really sorry, please forgive you!" Kaoru says.

"I know it was an accident, but please knock next time, don't just come into my room," I give him a soft smile.

We continue to eat dinner and afterwards we play with Mikasa and Eren. When they fall asleep I put them in their room and I tuck them in.

I make my way back to the boys and I show them each a guest room. Tamaki insisted that he had the guest room next to me. While the twins got the one across the hall. After I showed everyone their room and they all get settled in I go back to my room and I put on a (f/c) nightgown. I brush my (h/l) (h/c) hair and then I lie down in bed.

~~~~12:00 am~~~~


I jump awake. I look out my window and a flash of light goes across it. Then I hear more thunder. I start to cry and I wrap myself under my blanket.

The storm doesn't settle down and I start to cry even more. I run out of my room and I knock on Tamaki's door. He doesn't answer. I go to knock on the twin's door and a sleepy Hikaru answers.

"What do you want," he then notices my tears. "Are you oka-" he is cut off by the sound of thunder and me throwing myself into him. I wrap my arms around Hikaru and I cry even more.

"I'm scared," I hold on even tighter. He picks me up bridal style and brings me into the room.

"You can sleep on the couch if you want," I lie down on the couch and I try to go to sleep.

~~~~1:38 am~~~~

I wake up to more thunder and I start to cry again. After about five minutes of crying the storm gets worse and my crying wakes up both twins.

"(Y/n) are you that scared of storms?" They ask in unison. I nod my head. A flash of lighting brightens the room and I jump into the twin's bed.

"So cute," they say in unison. They both hug me and I receive a kiss on my cheeks from each of them. I snuggle into them and I fall asleep.


I slowly open my eyes and I look around the room. 'Wait this isn't my room! Oh no.' I think to myself but then I remember last nights events. I look to my sides to see sleepy twins cuddling me.

"So cute," I whisper to myself and I close my eyes only to reopen them to the sound of Tamaki slamming the door open.

"Get your hands off my sister!" Tamaki yells at the twins. They both yawn as they wake up.

"How did she get in here? Did you force her to come in here, threaten her, or steal her in her sleep!" Tamaki yells.

I get out of the bed and I give him a hug and a small kiss on the cheek.

"Remember my fear of storms?" Tamaki nods. "Their was a storm last night and when I knocked on your door you didn't answer. So I went to their room and they answered,* I tell him.

"Why did you sleep in bed with them!" He asks .

" I slept on the couch, but I woke up again and I jumped into their bed," I feel heat rise to my face in embarrassment.

"She literally jumped from the couch from all the way over their," Hikaru says in a teasing way. I cover my face with my hands and I leave the room.

I go to my room and I take a quick shower. I quickly get dressed in a black skirt that stops in the middle of my thighs, thigh high black socks, and a white shirt. I brush out my hair and I put on black shoes.

"I'm ready to start the day!"

Junior High school (Hikaru x reader x Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now