Emergency|part 3

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(Warning sad chapter)
Your POV/ 1st person

I watch as Molly takes Armin away and the others follow.

"Why does your brother have a wheelchair?" Hikaru asks with a flat tone.

"Is he okay?" Kaoru asks with concern laced in his voice.

"Yes he is fine he is just weak and has bad health," I tell the twins, "Now let's get started!"

We start to research stuff about the outside world and we write it down in our presentation. The twins suggest that we make a pie chart since the school trains students to start a business or to support their family business. We finish the chart in a matter if minutes.

"That was easy, are we done already?!" I ask in amazement.

"Yes and I'm glad we got done early," Hikaru says.

"Why is that?" Curiosity gets the best of me.

"1) we want to play with your siblings. And 2) we have to ask you a question." Kaoru explains.

"Okay ask the question," I smile and I wait for them to ask me the question.

"Why did you call us cute?" They ask in unison leaning towards me a bit.

I take a deep breath and I look at them with a stern face, "I said it because you are cute and I wanted to break the ice a little."

"Okay let's play with the kids now!" They say in unison.

We walk out if my room and I notice Armin sleeping on his bed while Mikasa and Eren are playing.

The twins go up to Mikasa and Eren and they play together until dinnertime.

"You guys go ahead I'm gonna wake up min-min," I say in a higher pitch voice to Eren and Mikasa.

They leave and the twins  go with them. I shake Armin a little bit but he doesn't wake up.

"Min-min wake up," I say quietly. He doesn't move or even make a sound.

"Armin wake up," I say a little bit louder. He doesn't respond.

"This isn't funny  Armin, wake up!" I yell. He still doesn't respond. I start to panic. 'Why won't he wake up!'.

"Why won't you wake up!" I yell. I start crying and I check his vital monitor.

I drop to the floor and I scream. I wrap Armin in a blanket and I run down the stairs trying not to trip. I make my way into the dining room and I see the twins, Eren, and Mikasa eating.

When I burst into the room they all look at me. My face is stained with tears and they notice Armin.

"Somebody call an ambulance!" I scream while holding  Armin.

"What's wrong Miss?" My maid Emily asks.

"I thought he was sleeping...and...and he wouldn't wake up!", I stared crying again, "I checked the monitor and...he wasn't breathing!"

Suddenly, the paramedics take Armin out of my arms and the rush him to the ambulance.

Eren and Mikasa were taken out of them room after I yelled for someone to call and ambulance. I was alone with the twins.

"Are you okay (y/n)?" Kaoru asks. He sits down next to me and pulls me into a hug. I lean into Kaoru and Hikaru hugs me also.

After  a while I get up and I walk to my room. The twins go home and they take the project with them.

Eren and Mikasa were asleep and they don't know where Armin is.

"What am I going to do?", I cry until sleep temporarily claims my sadness.


I wake up in the morning and I do my daily routine before heading down to breakfast. After eating I get in the limo with Mikasa and Eren.

"Where's Armin?" Eren asks.

"Armin is at the hospital," I say holding back tears.

"Can we visit him?" Mikasa asks.

"We will visit him as soon as possible, I promise," We stop at Eren and Mikasa's school and they get out.

After a short drive to my school I finally get out of the car. I make my way to class and I ignore all of the friends that I made the previous day.

During class I didn't pay attention to the teacher or anyone. I just stared off into space.

"Miss (l/n), would you care to tell me why you aren't paying attention?" The teacher finally noticed me.

I mumble.

"Please repeat that, but louder this time," The teacher is mad.

"My baby brother is in a hospital right now and is probably dying, but I have to come here instead!" I yell at the teacher.

She looks at me shocked. I sit in my seat and I start to tear up. The twins give me sympathetic looks but I ignore them.

"Okay class we are going to dismiss class early, have a nice break," the teacher says.

I jump out of my seat and I run out of the classroom. I run as far away from the room as possible. I hear footsteps behind me an I turn to see the twins following me.

Suddenly, I bump into someone and I fall. I look up to see Tamaki and Kyoya.

"Tamaki!" I yell as I jump into his arms. He immediately embraces me and tries to calm me down.

"What seems to be the problem (y/n)?" Kyoya asks me with a concerned look.

"(Y/n) are you okay!" The twins yell in unison when they finally catch up.

"Did you two do this?" Tamaki asks the twins.

"No-" Hikaru started.

"-we didn't" Kaoru finishes.

"Then what happened?" Tamaki asks.

I once again start to cry when Tamaki brings up the subject.

"She's in no state to be in school, we should take her home" Kyoya says.

The twins, Tamaki, and Kyoya take me back to my house and we skip the rest of today's lessons.

After I change into a (f/c) sweater and black tights I make my way downstairs to see the boys waiting on me.

"You're still here, why, wait hold that thought," I walk into the kitchen and I get a pint of ice cream. Then I come back into the living room and I sit down on the couch by Tamaki.

"Okay now answer the question," I tell them, I open my ice cream and I start to eat away my sadness away.

"We are worried about you," Tamaki pulls me into a hug.

"Why did you yell that out in class like that?" The twins ask in unison. They also look a little mad, I wonder why.

"I don't know," I take another scoop if ice cream.

"What happened?"  Kyoya asks the twins. The twins then explain what happened yesterday and at school today.

"Would you like to see him?" Kyoya looks at me with a soft unreadable expression. I nod my head yes.

"Then let's go!" Tamaki picks me up and we go in my limo off to the hospital.

Junior High school (Hikaru x reader x Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now