The Visit|part 4

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Your POV/ 1st person

In the car I sit between the twins, Kyoya and Tamaki sit in front if us.

"Have you guys met the twins?" I ask Kyoya and Tamaki.

"Yes I have. I asked them to join the host club that I'm starting next year!" I laugh at Tamaki's enthusiasm.

What happens next is unexpected. Kaoru puts puts his arm around my waist and Hikaru does the same. Then I get sandwiched in between them.

"Get off of my (y/n)!" Tamaki yells. I feel my face heating up from both Tamaki's statement and the twins close proximity.

"What we're just trying to comfort her," the twins say in unison, while wearing identical smirks.

"She doesn't need you!" Tamaki pulls me out of their grasp and puts me on his lap. "I will protect my daughter from you too!"

"You're not my dad!" I cross my arms and I pout like a baby.

"We're here," Kyoya says as he gets out of the car. I follow after him and so do the twins and Tamaki.

We walk into the hospital and we ask the lady at the desk what room Armin is in. She gives us the number and we go up the elevator to his room.

"Hey guys is it okay if I go in by myself first?" I ask the boys. They nod in agreement and I open the door. I quickly close it and I walk over to the hospital bed.

Armin lays their with all types of things hooked up to him. I look at his chart and it says: Armin has a weak heart and frail body. He contracted a minor disease and he got over excited about something which causer irregular breathing. We have estimated that he has 2 months to live.

"What. He only has two months," My heart feels like it has stopped. My eyes are clouded in tears. I wipe them away and I try to wake up Armin.

"(Y-y/n) is you?" Armin out looks at me with tired eyes.

"Yes it's me," I give Armin a kiss on the cheek and he smiles.

"I w-want t-to go home," Armin tears up.

"You will soon, I promise," I have to be strong for Armin and the others.

Armin goes back to sleep and I leave the room. Kyoya, Tamaki, and the twins were waiting on me outside the room. We leave the hospital and we get into the limo.

"How is you brother?" Kaoru asks me.

My eyes start to tear up, " He is fine but he won't be in a couple of months," I start to cry and Kaoru hugs me.

"I'm a crybaby, aren't I?" I ask everyone.

"You're not a crybaby, you've been through a lot," Hikaru says.

"More than you two could ever know," Tamaki says.

The twins tilt their heads in confusion. Tamaki looks me in the eyes. I nod, I know what he is going to tell them. Tamaki then whispers to Kyoya.

"Can you guys please explain?" The twins say in unison.

"Tamaki and (y/n) siblings. Tamaki's mother met someone after Tamaki's father. After (y/n) was born her mother raised her but she was later taken by her father. Tamaki and her were raised together until (y/n) was 10 and he was 11. (Y/n) went to a commoner school until her dad met a rich lady and they started a family the rest is up to (y/n) to tell," Tamaki nods in agreement while I stare at Kyoya.

"How do you know so much?" I ask.

"I have my sources," He scares me.

"You two are related!!!" The twins yell in unison.

"Yes, but no one can know, Tamaki's father doesn't even know about me," I tell the twins with a serious expression.

"We are at my house, come on guys!" I run out of the car and I run into the house.

"I like Fridays," I wait in my room for the others and they show up five minutes later.

"Where are you other siblings?" Tamaki asks.

"They will be here in a bit until then let's talk about stuff," I respond.

"We want to know more about you," the twins say in unison.

"Okay. My earliest memory is with my mom and Tamaki, we were outside and I made flower crowns for everyone. Most days were like that in my childhood. But then one day a man came out of nowhere and took me. My Mother didn't try to save me and she held Tamaki back too. I later found out that he was my father and he took me to Japan with him. A couple months later he met a lady and they got married. I didn't like her very much because she forced me to call her my mother. The only thing good that she did was give birth to Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. She died a month later and my dad started to go on business trips more often and I had to raise the trio. One day I was out with them and I bumped into a blond boy with purple eyes like me. After he helped me up I found out that it was Tamaki, we exchanged numbers and I stared to hang out with him whenever I was free. I later met Kyoya. My father thought that I was too smart for the commoner school that I went to so he let me go to Ouran this year. Now we are all caught up," I finish explaining.

Everyone was speechless. Except for Tamaki he was crying and hugging me. Bipolar as always.

"Do you still play the violin?" Tamaki asks me. I nod. "We should do a duet one day!" He pulls me into another bear hug.

"Onii-chan let go!" I struggle under his grip.

"I'm never letting go again!" Tamaki starts to cry. I pat his back awkwardly. Then, Eren and Mikasa come in the room.

"Onē-chan where is Armin?" Mikasa and Eren say in unison.

"He is at the doctors," I get out of Tamaki's grip and I give the two a hug.

"Okay, when will he be back?" Eren asks.

"He will come back soon but after a while he might leave again," a tear slips from my eye.

"Where will he go?" Eren asks.

"He might go and visit your mommy," more tears fall.

"Will he come back after he sees mama?" Eren asks yet another question.

"No he won't, now go and play with your toys dinner will be ready soon," Eren walks out of the room but Mikasa looks at me.

She runs up to me, hugs me, and whispers in me ear. "He won't die," after that she wipes my tears and leaves to go play with her toys.

I sit on my bed and the boys give me sympathetic looks. They knew what I meant.

"You have a smart little sister" Kyoya says.

"She is really young, but she isn't stupid, she may be smarter than me," I laugh a little and I wipe my tears away.

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