Interesting discovery|part 2

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Your POV/ 1st person

"Bye guys!" I wave to my friends who are going to their after school clubs. I turn around notice the twins are still in the room, so I go up to them.

"Hey guys, what are you up too?" I ask them. They hide a note in their bag and look at me angrily.

"None of your business," they say in unison.

Then Hikaru and Kaoru walk away. 'That was a little rude.' I walk out of the school building and to the fountain to wait for a little while before I get my siblings.

"You must have mistaken my brother for me. I'm Kaoru," a voice says. I turn around and notice that Hikaru is talking to a girl and is holding a note with a heart on it.

'She confessed her feeling that's so cute'

"I'm sorry," the girl says.

"But does it really matter, I guess were both the same person right?" Hikaru adds.

"Yeah I guess you're right," the girl says.

"Then you would rather go out with me even though the letter wasn't intended for me?" ' what is Hikaru doing, acting like Kaoru?'

"Yeah sure," the girl says happily.

"You're a monster," Hikaru says to her, "hey Kaoru come out here!" Kaoru walks over from behind a bush.

"But I thought you were-" the girl gets cut off.

"You thought wrong" the twins say in unison.

"You two are evil!" The girl starts to cry.

"We aren't the evil ones here-" Hikaru starts.

"-you disgusting monster!" Kaoru finishes.

The girl runs away crying and the twin rip up the love note and congratulate each other.

I walk over to the twins and tap their shoulders. They turn around and look at me.

"What do you want!" They say in unison.

"That was awesome!" I say to them.

"What?" The look at me confused.

"The way you showed her that you two are different, I bet she won't try something  like that again," I say to the twins.

"You really are-" Hikaru starts.

"-different," Kaoru finishes.

"Oh and btw we have a group project due by Friday and I'm in your group," I hand them both a piece of paper with my number on it, " Feel free to call or text me and invite me to your place, or we can do the project at my house." I smile at the two and then walk away to my limo.

"Bye cuties!" I say as I wave out the window. They look dumbfounded.

After a short drive to pick up my siblings we finally start the ride home.

"How was your day guys?" I ask.

"It was  awesome!" Eren yells. Mikasa nods.

"How was your day Armin?" I ask in a gentle tone.

"I-it was sc-scary! I m-missed you!" Armin hugs me and starts to cry. I pick up his small, delicate frame and I put him in my lap.

"I missed you too" I give him a kiss on the cheek and he giggles.

"We want kisses too!" Eren yells. Mikasa nods.

"Okay, okay" I give them both a kiss and I give Armin one on the other cheek.

Junior High school (Hikaru x reader x Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now