The Fight|part 7

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Your POV/1st person

After a couple more days of spring break we finally came back to school. We ate breakfast and we got in the limo.

"Can we sit at lunch with you Onee-chan?" Armin asks me.

"Sure, I'm gonna have to keep a close eye on you two day," I smile at Armin.

He has been swimming to build strength in his legs. He had a doctors appointment after the trip and they allowed him to walk.

Armin now uses crutches and leg braces. I'm so pound of my little brother.

"Mikasa, make sure he doesn't fall or get hurt, okay?" Mikasa nods.

We all get out of the car upon arriving at the school. Eren and I still looked hurt from the accident. He had his arm wrapped up, and a scar was on his cheek. It made him look cool. I on the other hand look like a pirate. A white cloth was wrapped around my eye.

I had gotten eye surgery about two days ago. I was recovering well so I got to go home early.

I say goodbye to my siblings as I walk to the second year student's part of the school.

I go to class and I sit in my seat. The twins greet me and the teacher  comes in to start class.

After class was over I went to the cafeteria and I sat next to my siblings.

"Let's eat outside today," Mikasa says. She dragged me out of the room and to a really big field.

"We have to stay inside the walls Mikasa!" Eren and I yell.

We sit down, and Tamaki and Kyoya join us. I say hello to them and I eat my lunch until a kid around my age stands in front of me.

"Hello can I help you?" I ask him.

"I challenge you to a battle!" The kid yells.

"Umm ok..." I respond to him.

My friend give me a thumbs up while Tamaki looks sick. He has so little faith in me.

We stand a few feet away from each other and he charges at me. I do a front handspring to avoid  his attack and I land behind him. I charge into his back while he's off guard and he fall to the ground.

"Do you submit?" I ask him.

"Never!" He jumps back at me. This time I run towards him too which surprises him. When I get close enough I do a front roll and I knock off him feet. He falla face first.

I don't ask him questions this time. He turns onto his back to get up but I jump on him and I pin his arms above his head.

"I win, you owe me cake, or five," I say happily.

"You're just like that alien! Get  off me! Someone help!" The kid starts screaming. I'm suddenly picked up off the kid by Mori. I would rather call him Takashi.

"Takashi-kun can you put me down?" I ask him. I swear I saw a small blush on his face.

"(Y/n)-chan you did great against my little brother," Honey-senpai says.

"He is so cute. I didn't want to hurt him so I didn't really try my best. I was being lazy," I confess.

"So you were just playing around with him!?" Honey said amazed.

"My warm-up is more difficult than fighting with him. No offense," I say.

"None taken, peace out," the boy says. He walks away.

I want cake.

The lunch bell rang and I went into the building. I looked out if the window to see the twins at the fountain. They were talking to Tamaki.

"Good, they're distracted," I say in an evil way. I pull out a letter and I addressed it to both of the twins. I didn't sign my name, but I still told them where to meet me.

I put it on Hikaru's desk and I sat down and waited for them to cone in the classroom.

They walked into the classroom talking about something that obviously funny.

"Hey guys, what are talking about?" I asked them.

"Were talking about  the rest of our spring break," Hikaru said.

"It was boring with our (n/n), we missed you," Kaoru finishes. The both hugs me and I start to blush from their affection.

"Hey look you guys have another letter," I say to the twins.

Hikaru opened the letter and read it. Then he gave it Kaoru.

"It's very well written letter, we might as well go and see who wrote it," Kaoru said.

"She better not waste out time," Hikaru says.

I start to giggle a little and the twins look at me suspiciously. I stop laughing and I look at them.

"Did I do something wrong," I ask them.

"Your laugh is so cute!" They say in unison.

"Thank you," I smile at them.

The teacher comes into the room and class starts. I start to daydream about the twins and I hear the teacher call my name.

"Miss. (L/n), can you tell me the answer to the question," the teacher looked at me. I gave her a look that meant I didn't want to be bothered.

I haven't been to school since I went off on the teacher so now she knows not to bother me.

"Does someone else want to answer the question?" The teacher says with a voice laced with fear.

"You and I both know that none of us want to answer those dumb questions so let's just have a free period," I tell the teacher.

The teacher nods her head in submission. "We will have a free period for the rest of the time," she puts her head down on her desk.

Students come walking up to me and ask me about my eye and my brother. I tell them everything is fine then I excuse myself.

"Hey guys," I say to the twins.

"We're not talking to you," Hikaru says.

"You haven't talked to us that much today," Kaoru adds.

"I can make it better," I tell them.

"No you can't," then twins say in unison.

I hug both of them and a blush forms on both of their faces. After I hug them I give them both a kiss on the forehead.

"Everything's better now," I tell them. They blush even more.


"Guys I have to go, bye cuties," I run out of the room and to the fountain area. I hide behind a pillar and I wait for the twins.

'I can finally confess my love to them, and my thanks for all the things they have done for me' I smile to myself.

Junior High school (Hikaru x reader x Kaoru)Where stories live. Discover now