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It was the first day of Scarlet River. Everyone was required to come this week, so they could take attendance. They could be anywhere, anytime, but they wouldn't be allowed to leave while school was on. Days like this would come, occasionally. Whoever didn't show up, unless the guardian gave further notice, would be replaced. There were so many people who wanted to attend Scarlet River, and it would be difficult to add someone halfway in the year, although it would be done, if someone was expelled, or left.

That reason, and also so everyone could meet each other. The first week is always the most important. This also gave me leverage to find people who could be shadow reapers.

After my mug of Moroccan mint tea, I went to the mirror in the bathroom. I would have to decide on ONE look and personality, and stick to it. I had to pick the right one. I also had to pick a name.

I decided on thick, long, wavy, lower back length, V-shape, chestnut hair, with consistent blonde streaks throughout. My name would be Avalon, Ava, for short. Something unique, but easy to remember. Last name, Rivera.

I decided to have a generally likeable personality, so I could easily infiltrate any friend group. I was perky, had a good sense of humor, smart, sassy, and calm. The type of person who was generally calm and collected. Friendly and approachable, but doesn't usually start the conversation. Serious, but just as able to take a joke. Sassy, but not mean. Good sense of humor, but not the class clown. Introverted, but able to carry out a conversation. Smart, and skilled in everything. Views things from a unique perspective. Hard to put down, and fierce. Not interested in gossip. Kind and generous, but won't be taken advantage of. Funny, but not obnoxious. Daring, but not a trouble maker. Peculiar taste in music. Doesn't judge others. Excepting of others. Doesn't go out of her way to change herself to become more popular (haters gonna hate). Doesn't care for popularity, and treats everyone equally. Loves animals, and cares for the animals in the Phoenix room (they are my animals). Extreme with recycling. Avid nature lover. Has authority of the Phoenix room (I care for all the animals. I therefore have a government issued badge, giving me ownership of the Phoenix room. I won't inforce it, though. It's mainly so I have authority to care for the animals, and deny access). Assertive, but not bossy. doesn't wear makeup. Able to sympathize, but not emotional or sensitive. LOOOOVVESS chocolate. I was a nerd.

Favorite color: blue

Gender: girl (of course!!)

Hobbies: varied

Skills: varied

General classification: nerd

I decided to wear a white and blue lace floral flare sleeves fringed tunic with lace flare jeans and black and silver Converse.

I went to the basement in my house. There, in the floor, was a hatch. I reached for the latch. I jumped down, the soft soil cushioning my fall. The tunnel was lit by sunlight from magical windows that used portal magic to supply the tunnel with sunlight. To make it more natural, plants consistently grew on one side. Honeysuckle vines grew on the ceiling.

I left the hatch open. The cats and dogs could come and go as they please. This was part of the house. There were food bowls, toys, and litter boxes in some of the chambers as well.

There was a den, kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, dining rooms, living rooms, and more. There was Wi-Fi, too. The shadow reapers would live here.

I zoomed at the speed of light through all the tunnels and chambers. I had it mapped in my head. I stopped at the base, and memorized the names and basic attributes of everyone at Scarlet River. Internet stalking at its best.

I went to the hatch that connected to the Phoenix room. I had the keys to the Phoenix room. There would be nobody there, so I was safe. I used magic to open the lock, and pushed open the hatch door. Using the small set of stairs, I walked out. I closed and locked the hatch behind me. From in the chamber, the hatch was a square-shaped pale tile. From above, it was just another piece of the floor.

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